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WEDNESDAY 20 JULY 672.4.2 Data Collecon Quality Assurance in Cross-Naonal <strong>Survey</strong>s: The Example of the ESSV. Halbherr 1 , A. Koch 1 , A. Scheuer 11 GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, GermanyThe significance of cross-naonal surveys for the social sciences has increased over the past decades and withit the number of cross-naonal data sets that researchers have access to. Cross-naonal surveys are typicallylarge enterprises that demand dedicated efforts to coordinate the process of data collecon in the parcipangcountries. While cross-naonal surveys have addressed many important methodological problems, such astranslaon and the cultural applicability of concepts, the management of the data collecon process has yethad lile place in cross-naonal survey methodology.2.4.3 Checking and Balancing. Quality Assurance in the 5th <strong>European</strong> Working Condions <strong>Survey</strong>G. van Houten 1 , M. Lyly-Yrjanainen 1 , A. Parent Thirion 2 , G. Vermeylen 21 Eurofound, Ireland; 2 <strong>European</strong> Foundaon for the Improvement of Living and Working Condions, IrelandThe <strong>European</strong> Foundaon for the Improvement of Living and Working Condions (Eurofound) carries out threerecurring Europe-wide surveys: the <strong>European</strong> Working Condions <strong>Survey</strong> (EWCS), the <strong>European</strong> Quality of Life<strong>Survey</strong> (EQLS), and the <strong>European</strong> Company <strong>Survey</strong> (ECS). Most recently, the 5th wave of the EWCS was implemented.To ensure the producon of high quality data each stage of the survey was carefully planned, closelymonitored and documented, and specific controls were put in place. When designing the 5th wave of the survey,close aenon was paid to user sasfacon with the previous wave and on their future informaon needs.Furthermore, an assessment was made of possible improvements in the way in which the survey addressesthe topics that are central to <strong>European</strong> policy making...2.4.4 <strong>European</strong> Values Study – the 4th wave: how to ensure quality in an all <strong>European</strong> <strong>Survey</strong>-the perspecveof collector, user and archiveE. Brislinger 2 , R. Luijkx 11 Tilburg University, Netherlands; 2 GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, GermanyWe will outline the efforts undertaken to maximize the quality of the 4th wave of the <strong>European</strong> Values Study,a large-scale, cross-naonal, and longitudinal survey research program started in 1981. The 2008 survey wasconducted in 47 countries/regions with a focus on a broad range of values and was highly comparable withthe earlier waves. High standards were used in developing and translang the quesonnaire, in sampling, inmonitoring the data collecon, and in data cleaning and documentaon. To guarantee easy access and properuse, the data are available on-line along with comprehensive documentaon on the study and variable level.2.4.5 Harmonising Standards for Quality Assessment in Cross Naonal <strong>Survey</strong>sM. Petrakos 1 , T. Ieromnimon 1 , P. Stavropoulos 2 , G. Petrakos 11 Agilis SA, Greece; 2 Agili, GreeceThe presentaon describes the development of harmonised standards for the assessment of Cross Naonalsurveys based on the framework developed for Official Stascs.Cross Naonal surveys are providing comparable informaon for a number of countries and form an importantbasis for scienfic research and policy making. Quality assessment is required at various levels for survey design,assessment of survey processes and data disseminaon. It is important for both data producers and moreimportantly users that the standards used are as much as possible harmonised. This will provide importantbenefits for the development of relevant aspects of survey methods as well as enable users to compare andcombine results and findings.

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