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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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188 FRIDAY 22 JULYAlthough immigrant group size has long been hypothesized to exert negave effects on majority members’preferences for residenal and educaonal sengs, empirical research on this topic remains sparse. One plausiblereason for this gap in the literature are the methodological and substanve complexies created by thestrong associaon between immigrant group size and further correlates of preferences, e.g. neighbourhoodSES or quality of educaon. In this study, we use factorial survey methodology to address this problem. In twowithin-subjects experiments conducted over the internet, N = 1032 German parcipants evaluated schools orresidenal areas with different levels of immigrant group size. In the vignees describing schools and areas,we addionally varied factors that are thought to be ecologically related to immigrant group size (i.e...4.18.2 Measuring the percepon of gender income gaps using a vignee experimentC. Atzmüller 1 , P. Steiner 21 University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, Austria; 2 University of Wisconsin - Madison, United StatesVignee studies use experimentally varied descripons of situaons or persons (vignees) that are shownto respondents within surveys in order to elicit their judgments about these scenarios. In combinaon withquantave research techniques they are a powerful research tool with high internal and external validity andhigh potenal for causal invesgaons. We demonstrate the strength of vignee experiments as opposed tostandard quesonnaires using a study on the percepon of gender gaps in income. In this study which wasconducted in Vienna (Austria), each of the 972 respondents had to assess the income of 9 employee-vigneeswhich listed the employee’s sex, age, educaon, occupaon and job descripon, occupaonal experience, andmaternity/paternity leave...4.18.3 ”Many”, ”half” or ”one of two”? Assessing counter-biasing technique to reduce the self-reportedturnoutM. Comsa 2 , A. Gheorghita 11 ”Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania; 2 Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, RomaniaRegardless of the cultural area in which it is performed or of the survey type, electoral research shows thatself-reports in surveys over-esmate voter turnout. Over-reporng can be the (combined) result of manyfactors: social desirability bias, memory related errors, acquiescence, and unrepresentave sample. Socialdesirability seems to be one of the most influencing factors. In order to reduce social desirability effect onself-reported turnout many techniques are used (indirect queson, self-administered quesonnaire, counterbiasing,weighng the responses based on a social desirability scale, randomized response, list experimentdesign (or item / unmatched count technique), etc.). In this paper, we focus on the ”counter-biasing” technique.Offering the respondents counter-biasing informaon lowers the norm associated with the turnoutbehavior which in return should reduce the self-reported turnout...4.19 Innovaons in survey sampling IIITo be held on July 22, 2011 from: 11:00 to 12:30, in room 414.Coordinated by:• Siegfried Gabler - GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, Germany• Seppo Laaksonen - University of Helsinki, Finland4.19.1 Student pilot group characteriscs and its relevance for final version tests resultsA. Slegrova 1 , I. Smetankova 11 www.scio.cz, Czech RepublicThe paper presents a comparison of several sets of pilot tests and their final versions. Students aged 11 weretested in their final year of lower primary stage (grade 5). The tests were taken for the purposes of entrance

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