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176 FRIDAY 22 JULY4.7 Analyzing social change with repeated cross-secons IITo be held on July 22, 2011 from: 09:00 to 10:30, in room 303.Coordinated by:• Tilo Beckers - University of Düsseldorf, Germany• Christof Wolf - GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, Germany4.7.1 The Impact of Past Events on Current Electoral Behaviour. Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Czech CommunistParty VotersL. Linek 11 Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech RepublicThe paper analyses the effect of polical generaons on current Czech Communist Party (KSČM) voter support.The goal is to show that past events have had an effect on current vong behaviour without having to bereproduced in me and strengthened through repeated voter behaviour in compeve elecons. The datafrom repeated monthly surveys between 1990 and 2010 are used. The cohort effects are esmated usingcross-classified random-effects models (Yang, Land 2006). The findings regarding the various generaon effectson KSČM support confirm this goal. KSČM support is largely affected by (1.) the Second World War and thesubsequent communist coup, (2.) the military invasion of Warsaw Pact armies under the leadership of theSoviet Union in 1968 and (3.) the transion to democracy in 1989...4.7.2 Strategies to Overcome the APC Conundrum. The Age-Stability Hypothesis in Postmaterialist Values,Atudes to Homosexuality and Religious PraccesR. Tormos 11 Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain<strong>Research</strong> on values and atudes tends to underline the importance of generaonal factors, following the agestabilityhypothesis and the impressionable-years model of learning. Formave experiences shape each agecohort,and social change takes place progressively due to the force of generaonal replacement. Examples ofit are the ”socializaon hypothesis” in Inglehart’s postmaterialist values and the ”age-stability hypothesis” inAlwin and Krosnick’s atudes research. However, if we carefully analyze repeated cross-secon data, we canidenfy relevant value change within each generaon over me as well. Some values and atudes follow alifeme model of learning, instead of the pure impressionable-years one. To test the impact of the historicalperiod in comparison to generaon and life cycle effects is necessary to face the APC conundrum...4.7.3 Generaon, Period and the Decline in Trust among Black and White AmericansR. Wilkes 11 University of Brish Columbia, CanadaAmericans have less generalized faith in others than ever before. Explanaons of this decline draw aenon tothe role of generaonal replacement and to period effects stemming from macro-level economic and policalchanges. In this paper I use cross-classified random effects models to test whether the decline thesis appliesequally to black and to white American’s trust levels. The data come from 23 repeated cross-secons of U.S.General Social <strong>Survey</strong> data. The models used in the paper allow the researcher to simultaneously assess theeffects of generaon and period by considering them as random level 2 effects within a mul-level framework.The results show that while the war baby generaon of whites (1935-39, 1940-44) was more trusng thanother generaons, trust does not differ significantly across generaons of blacks...4.7.4 Analyzing social and media change with cross-classified random-effects APC modelsD. Becker 1 , J. Hagenah 2

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