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114 WEDNESDAY 20 JULYThe importance of occupaons in social science research and the widely-known error-prone coding process ofoccupaons in survey research are a dilemma for social sciensts and a challenge for survey data managers.The Chinese Family Panel Study (CFPS), a Computer-Aided Personal Interviewing (CAPI) survey, employed twomanual approaches to occupaonal coding: interviewers carrying out coding during the interviewing; andexperienced coders performing coding within the survey organizaon aer data collecon. This study concernsthe coding quality of these two methods and the factors that have impacts on the quality. It first describes thecoding processes of the two methods and compares their advantages and disadvantages. Then it checks theconsistency of their results and tries to clarify the inconsistencies with the help of supplemental informaonfrom the audio records of interviewing...2.47.3 Quality of responses to an open-ended queson on a mixed-mode surveyJ. Gibson 1 , F. Vakalia 1 , S. Turner 11 Fors Marsh Group LLC, United StatesWeb surveys pose a number of advantages over paper or telephone surveys, including speed, cost, and easeof data entry (Couper, 2000; Ferrara& Nolan, 1974; Kiesler& Sproull, 1986). However, research regarding survey mode differences highlights a number of potenal challengessuch as sample representaveness and data quality (Couper, 2000; Kiesler& Sproull, 1986). Likewise, open-ended quesons (OEQs) offer both advantages and disadvantages (Poncheri,Lindberg, Thompson,& Surface, 2008). They provide an opportunity to gather rich data that might otherwise be lost if responseopons do not adequately capture the relevant aspects of the quesonnaire item; however, decisions regardingresponse coding and manipulaon are crucial to determining what researchers glean from the data. Thisstudy applies human coding to an OEQ on a mixed-mode (paper and electronic) quality of work life survey ofmilitary recruiters (N = 3,997)...2.47.4 Quanfying Open-Ended Responses: Results from an Online Adversing Tracking <strong>Survey</strong>A. Jacobe 2 , L. Brewer 2 , F. Vakalia 2 , S. Turner 2 , S. Marsh 11 Fors Marsh Group, United States; 2 Fors Marsh Group LLC, United StatesOpen-ended quesons are known to yield useful informaon, especially when researchers need to explorecomplex issues that do not have a finite or pre-determined set of responses.This paper will highlight the ulity and reliability of using open-ended quesons in surveys measuring adver-sement recall by detailing the process in which a coding methodology was established and applied to analyzedata from an adversement tracking study.2.47.5 The Impact of Open-Ended Quesons: A Mulvariate Study of Respondent EngagementS. Gielman 11 Mktg, Inc., United StatesIn survey research those that are less engaged are less likely to parcipate in the survey process and those whodo but fail to provide quality responses drive measurement error.In this analysis the metadata from 1100 diverse studies emanang from a great variety of online sources aswell as covering an abundance of sources was examined to determine the driving factors of respondent engagement.There has been considerable discussion as to the influence of varying structural designs within a quesonnairethat might improve respondent engagement. Surely, instruments replete with grids that drag on over fortyminutes beg the quesons as to the quality of responses that we are elicing.

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