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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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152 THURSDAY 21 JULYcountries as representaves of a set of macro characteriscs. According to this perspecve on countries,variaons in individual outcomes are related to variaons in the country characterisc of interest, usually byapplying random effects esmaon. In this paper, the comparave design with random effects esmaon iscrically reviewed. Addionally, we will discuss alternave techniques.3.32.4 How to deal with aberrant response paerns in cross-naonal data: Atudes towards progressivetaxaon in ISSP countriesI. Bechert 2 , J. Edlund 11 Department of Sociology, University of Umea, Sweden; 2 GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, GermanyIn internaonal comparave survey research, scholars are oen confronted with unexpected findings. Whenfinding response paerns that do not fit theorecal expectaons, researchers face a dilemma: (1) is the findinga substanve and true finding, for which we lack any theory explaining it (a theory problem), or (2) is thefinding a research artefact generated by the survey instrument itself (a data problem)? In the ISSP data of1996 and 2006 dealing with ”The Role of Government” such an unexpected response paern is found in somecountries in a variable baery concerned with the issue of progressive taxaon. While in the majority of countriesprogressive taxaon is supported, in some less affluent countries a majority of respondents would likethe poor to carry a higher tax burden than the rich. This is a prime example of a response paern that mayeither be regarded as a problem of theory or data...3.33 Preferences and Well-being in Europe IITo be held on July 21, 2011 from: 14:00 to 15:30, in room 303.Coordinated by: Mariya Aleksynska - CEPII, France3.33.1 Secularizaon or religious revival? Measuring church aendance trend in Italy using mullevelanalysisF. Biolca Rinaldi 1 , C. Vezzoni 11 University of Milan, ItalyThe debate over secularizaon in Italy is far from having reached unanimous conclusions: some scholars underlinean unbroken trend toward a decrease of religiosity, while other scholars highlight the signs of a religiousrevival especially in younger generaons. Beside difficules of definions, such different conclusions arealso due to the lack of informaon on a sufficiently long period of me. In the paper this problem is tackleddeveloping a joint analysis of different repeated cross-secons: Eurobarometer (1973-1998, 18 waves), Issp(1987-2001, 11 waves), Evs (1980-2008, 4 waves), Ess (2003-2006, 2 waves), Italian Naonal Elecon Studies(Itanes) (1968-2008, 9 waves), Istat Mulpurpose Household <strong>Survey</strong> (1993-2008, 15 waves)...3.33.2 Preferences for redistribuon and the percepon of a fair societyE. Guillaud 1 , B. Françon 11 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, FranceUsing ISSP micro survey data for 25 OECD countries, we show that there is no link between individuals’ preferencesfor government redistribuon and their desired type of society in terms of inequality. In line with recenttheorecal literature, this lead us to consider the role of individual beliefs about the incenves cost (or disincenveeffect) of redistribuon. Different beliefs about the role of effort and luck in individual success underlietheir preferred level of taxes, which in turn could explain observed naonal differences in the development ofwelfare states.

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