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154 THURSDAY 21 JULYsociees, younger generaon were less exposed to religious beliefs and ideologies and a generaonal declinemost likely occurred...3.34.3 The impact of social values on school achievementB. Voicu 11 Romanian Academy of Science, <strong>Research</strong> Instute for Quality of Life, RomaniaThis paper tests for the effect of society’s average value orientaons on school achievement. I follow Fensham’s(2007) argument that there is an explicit need for contextualizing the explanaon of the average TIMSS and PISAdifferences across countries, parcularly considering some ”more fundamental values and complex mores”.The main hypothesis is that when controlling for various other determinants, the school achievement willdepend on what society thinks that school should teach children.3.34.4 Theories and <strong>Research</strong>es in Western Sociology of Religion: Otherness in the Study of ReligionK. Manabe 11 Aoyama Gakuin University, JapanIn this presentaon, first, based on a literature survey, I try to do an overview of concepts, proposions andtheories in Western Sociology of religion, namely secularizaon, religious pluralism, and religions market.Then, based on a search for code-<strong>book</strong>s, I examine the queson items, wordings and scales of large-scalemul-naonal comparave surveys, namely EVS, ISSP, and RAMP. One problem of above-menoned scienficworks is that theories and researches are based on observaons, measurements and generalizaons madefrom Western perspecves. Lastly, I suggest a future direcon of the scienfic study in this field, which isdescribed as the codificaon of theories and researches from comparave perspecves.3.35 Mullevel analysis in comparave research IITo be held on July 21, 2011 from: 14:00 to 15:30, in room 315.Coordinated by:• Bart Meuleman - University of Leuven, Belgium• Elmar Schlueter - University of Cologne, <strong>Research</strong> Instute for Sociology, Germany3.35.1 The impact of rereporng on children’s developmental trajectories from early childhood to earlyadolescence: A mullevel approachF. Li 2 , M. Godinet 1 , P. Arnsberger 21 University of Hawaiii, United States; 2 University of Hawaii, United StatesUsing a mullevel growth model, this study analyzed individual developmental trajectories of behavioral problems,such as anxiety and depression, among 758 mul-cultural children aged 4 to 12 with early child maltreatmentexperiences. These children were recruited from five study sites across America. In parcular, this studyexamined (1) whether the trajectories of these problems differ by child’s gender and ethnicity, controlling forstudy sites; (2) whether the trajectories are influenced by reports of repeated maltreatment, aer controllingfor child’s gender, ethnicity and study sites; and (3) whether the impact of rereporng is moderated bychild’s gender and ethnicity, controlling for study sites. The results indicated that on average, these problemsincreased significantly from age 4 to age 12 (p

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