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134 THURSDAY 21 JULY3.16.2 Ethnic Discriminaon in the German Housing Market. A Field Experiment on the Underlying Mechanisms.A. Horr 1 , C. Hunkler 2 , C. Kroneberg 21 Mannheim Centre for <strong>European</strong> Social <strong>Research</strong> MZES, University of Mannheim, Germany; 2 University ofMannheim, GermanyWe study ethnic discriminaon in the rental housing market of a German metropolitan area using a telephoneaudit design; i.e., randomly assigned testers called landlords who had adversed apartments for rent. Whileearlier field experiments focused on assessing the degree of discriminaon by varying the ethnicity of testers,we also try to idenfy the mechanisms behind landlords’ behavior. To disnguish between informaon- andtaste-based discriminaon, we added two addional experimental variaons: (1) whether or not at the beginningof the call testers disclosed informaon on having a stable job, and (2) whether or not testers with anethnic minority (Turkish) name spoke with an accent. Using fixed-effects models to account for unobservedheterogeneity in apartments and landlords, we find no significant discriminaon against callers with Turkishnames in invitaons for apartment viewings...3.16.3 Causal Effects of Suppression Policy in a Market for Heroin: A Natural Quasi-Experiment with DiD-EsmaonR. Berger 2 , N. Braun 11 LMU Muenchen, Germany; 2 University of Leipzig, GermanyWe focus on the market effects at the retail level of a more severe suppression of hard drug supply. For theempirical examinaon we use data from a natural quasi-experiment. This was possible aer surveys had beenconducted in the visible drug scenes in the cies of Bern and Zurich during the summer of 1997 (n=624). Aerthese surveys, a remarkable change in police suppression towards middlemen and dealers of hard drugs, whowere not using drugs themselves, started in the city of Bern in January of 1998 (campaign ”Citro”). By repeangthe surveys in summer 1998 in both cies (n=419) we used Bern as test group and Zurich - where no changein police suppression had happened - as control group.3.16.4 Curbside Collecon and Parcipaon in Household Waste Recycling: A Causal AnalysisH. Best 1 , T. Kneip 2 , G. Bauer 11 University of Mannheim, Germany; 2 MEA, University of Mannheim, GermanyThis paper tests hypotheses on the causal effect of a reducon of behavioral cost on parcipaon in householdwaste recycling. We use data from a natural experiment in Cologne, Germany and employ propensityscore matching and condional fixed effects regression to idenfy the treatment effect. The empirical datawas collected in a panel survey in three city districts; in one of the districts, the tradional bring-scheme wasreplaced with a curbside scheme between the two panel waves. Using this data we can idenfy the causaleffect of curbside collecon, its variaon between types of recyclables, and its elascity with regard to thedistance to collecon containers in the bring-scheme condion. First results indicate that a curbside schemeis most efficient for plascs, metal cans and packaging and less efficient for paper...3.17 Construcon of Answer Scale Formats in Quesonnaires ITo be held on July 21, 2011 from: 11:00 to 12:30, in room 412.Coordinated by: Natalja Menold - GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, Germany3.17.1 Experiments on the Design of the Le-Right Self-Assessment ScaleC. Zuell 1 , E. Scholz 1 , D. Behr 11 GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, Germany

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