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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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74 WEDNESDAY 20 JULYcollecon of census microdata from around the world in IPUMS-Internaonal. This collecon includes datafrom 1960 to date for 55 countries in 159 censuses including approximately 326 million person records. Thedata for each country contains original data (top coded or collapsed to protect confidenality) plus harmonizeddata to support analysis of a country’s data over me or across mulple countries.2.10.2 Disseminaon of survey (meta)data in the LISS data archiveM. Streeerk 1 , S. Elshout 11 CentERdata, NetherlandsIn the year 2007 CentERdata (Tilburg University, the Netherlands) started the MESS project by seng up theLISS panel. The LISS panel is an internet panel representave of the Dutch populaon, consisng of 5,000households. On a monthly basis, the panel members fill out several quesonnaires. One of the main goals ofthe MESS project was to build a data archive making survey (meta)data accessible for other researchers. Ourpresentaon will demonstrate the LISS data archive, which we have created based on DDI 3 (Data Documenta-on Iniave). DDI is a standard for describing data from social, behavioral, and economic sciences. Questasy,an online disseminaon tool that has implemented DDI 3 was developed to disseminate both data as metadatain the LISS data archive. When archiving surveys every aspect of the survey data itself (meta data) is describedin as much detail as possible i.e...2.10.3 Microdata Informaon System MISSYJ. Bohr 11 GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, GermanyMISSY provides online-informaon for official microdata in a structured design. At present MISSY focuses onthe metadata of the German Microcensus, but an extension to other surveys is intended. Though official microdataare originally not designed for research, the number of data sets, which have been made accessible forscienfic purpose, has increased. To facilitate and encourage the use of the data, there is a need of knowledgetransfer from official stascs to the scienfic community. MISSY offers the relevant metadata both in a broadand differenated way. Moreover, with the availability of annual Microcensus data sets of several decadesinformaon concerning the comparability of variables over me is required.2.10.4 Metadata Driven <strong>Survey</strong> DesignJ. Iverson 11 Algenta Technologies, United StatesUsing metadata to drive the survey research process enables data science professionals to share their work efficiently.The metadata driven process consists of three principles.1. Don’t repeat yourself. Storing informaonredundantly increases documentaon costs and makes errors more likely.2. Document the enre lifecycle.Code<strong>book</strong>s describing datasets are not enough to give a full understanding of the underlying data.3. Makethe metadata accessible. <strong>Research</strong>ers should be able to discover and reuse data and metadata using standardformats and tools. A metadata driven process increases the transparency of social science research. This enhancescredibility of results and allows new research to take advantage of exisng resources. This talk will alsoreview tools that enable a metadata-driven process.2.11 Collecng Physical Measure and Biomarker Data in <strong>Survey</strong>s IITo be held on July 20, 2011 from: 09:00 to 10:30, in room 318.Coordinated by:• Heidi Guyer - University of Michigan, United States• Mary Beth Ofstedal - University of Michigan, United States• Barbara Schaan - University of Mannheim, Germany

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