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62 TUESDAY 19 JULYchild’s primary caregiver (PCG) and school teacher—are also relevant for examining children’s achievement aswell as other key outcomes. In this paper, we look at the relaonship between test scores for both childrenand PCGs, on one hand, and sample arion and non-response on the other hand...1.36 The development and validaon of psychological short scales and their benefitsfor survey research IITo be held on July 19, 2011 from: 16:00 to 17:30, in room 413.Coordinated by:• Beatrice Rammstedt - GESIS - Leibniz Instute for the Social Sciences, Germany• Jürgen Schupp - SOEP - German Instute for Economic <strong>Research</strong> (DIW Berlin), Germany1.36.1 Response Space as the New Froner: How Number of Items, Response Categories, and Sample SizeAffect Aggregate EsmatesR. Thomas 1 , J. Bremer 21 ICF Internaonal, United States; 2 Compete Internaonal, United StatesIn psychometrics, increasing the number of items to measure a specific concept has been shown to improvethe stability of measurement according to the Spearman-Brown formula. Thomas (1999) showed that thenumber of items and response categories can be jointly described as a response space and that increasingthe gradaons within the response space improves response stability, reaching an asymptote of reliability.However, many survey projects are not interested in individual classificaon per se but in populaon esmates(e.g. are males less depressed than females?). Since most studies draw samples of the populaons of interest, amajor concern has been how increasing sample size improves precision of esmates of populaon parameters,following the Law of Large Numbers (Bernoulli, 1713). Lile prior research has be done on the intersecon ofindividual measurement stability and sample measurement stability...1.36.2 A Mul-Method Approach to ForgivenessS. Fücker 2 , C. von Scheve 2 , A. Merkl 1 , M. Park 21 Charite Berlin, Germany; 2 Freie Universität Berlin, GermanyThis contribuon gives insights into ongoing research invesgang the nature, condions, and consequences offorgiveness using a mul-method approach and close cooperaon between the social and behavioral sciences.Interpersonal transgression and wrongdoing are ubiquitous incidents in human social interacon. One of themost prevalent responses to transgression is retaliaon. Though effecve in deterring future harm, retaliaonis a prime precursor of prolonged conflict. In contrast, forgiveness is a response to transgression aiming atlong-term conflict resoluon and the re-establishment of social relaonships.1.36.3 The Parent-reported Pediatric Perceived Cognive Funcon Item Bank (pedsPCF) and Its Applicaon– Computerized Adapve Tesng (CAT)J. Lai 1 , D. Cella 1 , Z. Bu 1 , F. Zelko 2 , S. Goldman 21 Northwestern University, United States; 2 Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, United StatesOBJECTIVE. This paper reports the development and psychometric properes of a parent-reported pediatricperceived cognive funcon item bank (pedsPCF) and the evaluaon of the comparability between scoresproduced by the full-length pedsPCF and pedsPCF-based CAT tesng.

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