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conference programme book - European Survey Research ...


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148 THURSDAY 21 JULY<strong>Research</strong>ers want the highest quality data possible from their surveys, and oen employ interviewers to collectthese data from respondents. However, all three pares may have different incenves, with importanteffects on measurement error in survey data. This paper will use economic theories of incenves, in parcularasymmetric informaon and moral hazards, to examine the impact of respondent and interviewer incenveson data quality.3.29.3 Can We Use Public Landmarks as Recall Aids in <strong>Survey</strong> research?A. Neusar 1 , W. van der Vaart 21 Masaryk University, Czech Republic; 2 University for Humaniscs / GGZ inGeest Instute of Psychiatry andMental Health, NetherlandsOne of the methods that researchers use to aid recall in surveys consists of employing landmark life events.These are very salient events that aim to facilitate recall of other events and parcularly their dates. Generallypersonal landmarks are used, however, the dates of these events are very prone to recall error themselves.Using public events as landmarks would solve this problem since researchers can provide these events, includingtheir dates, to the respondent. However it is unclear what type of public events will be effecve to whichrespondents and under which condions. This paper aims to examine what kind of public events can be usedas effecve landmarks in survey research. One core indicator for this effecveness is whether respondents candate the public landmark accurately. If so, then this event will be of importance to the respondent and maybe able to cue other events...3.29.4 Interdisciplinary understanding of youth: Development and test of a longitudinal survey for theSwiss Federal <strong>Survey</strong> of AdolescentsS. Huber 2 , I. Lussi 1 , U. Moser 3 , F. Keller 3 , T. Abel 4 , S. Bucher 4 , K. Hofmann 4 , D. Schori 4 , S. Caacin 5 , J. Eberhard 51 Instut für Bildungsmanagement und Bildungsökonomie (IBB), Pädagogische Hochschule Zentralschweiz (,Switzerland; 2 Instut für Bildungsmanagement und Bildungsökonomie (IBB), Pädagogische Hochschule Zentralschweiz, Switzerland; 3 Instut für Bildungsevaluaon, assoziiertes Instut der Universität Zürich, Switzerland;4 Instut für Sozial- und Prävenvmedizin der Universität Bern, Switzerland; 5 Département de Sociologieder Universität Genf, SwitzerlandGeneral descripon on research quesons, objecves and theorecal framework: The project ”Swiss Federal<strong>Survey</strong> of Adolescents, Main Indicators ch-x” iniates a long-term monitoring of Swiss youth in the fields ofeducaon, polics, and health behaviour. The target populaon are Swiss adolescents who are 19 years old,and it is planned that the survey will be conducted every four years in order to permit a longitudinal analysis ofthe Swiss youth. The theorecal framework is interdisciplinary, applying an adapted capability approach (Sen1985; 1987; 1993; 1999), which is a normave paradigm for the evaluaon of individual well-being.. In thisproject, the capability approach is enriched with concepts of self-percepon, values, and acons in differentcontexts. Methods/methodology: The survey comprises established survey items as well as newly developedones. The quesonnaire has undergone mulple pre-tesng...3.30 Mulple imputaon of complex data designs IITo be held on July 21, 2011 from: 14:00 to 15:30, in room 340.Coordinated by:• Roel de Jong - University of Hamburg, Faculty of Psychology, Germany• Krisan Kleinke - University of Bielefeld , Germany• Jost Reinecke - University of Bielefeld , Germany• Marn Spiess - Hamburg University, Department of Psychology, Germany

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