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<strong>maxon</strong> Standard Specification<strong>maxon</strong> DC motorWith our Standard Specification we offeryou a means to judge <strong>maxon</strong> motorsin the most important respects. To ourknowledge it covers normal applications.The Standard Specification is partof our “General Conditions of Sale”.Electrical equipment must meet certainminimum requirements, which wasintroduced into the European marketafter 1.1.96. Small motors will be identifiedas components and will thereforerepresent no seperate electrical equipmentwithin the sense of the guidelines.Nevertheless the majority of the <strong>maxon</strong>motor program are already CE certified.Certifying the motors takes place duringoperation at no-load and in the newcondition.The CE sign means that the productconforms to EU guidelines and proceduresdesigned to achieve conformitywere carried out.RoHSzifikationen. All our products are built under EUdirective 2002/95/EG.REACHAs a downstream user, <strong>maxon</strong> motorag has taken all the necessary stepsto ensure that the chemical substanceswere pre-registered by our suppliers.The clarifications with our suppliers perSeptember 9, 2009 resulted in, that no<strong>maxon</strong> products contain more than 0.1mass percentage of chemicals that arestated on the EChA list.Note to the Catalogue 2012/13<strong>maxon</strong> motor ag accepts no liability forthe accuracy of the information containedin this catalogue, nor for anydamages which may result directly orindirectly from the use of such information.This disclaimer does not apply towilful intent, gross negligence, and doesnot affect legislation governing productliability.The Standard Specification No. 100for <strong>maxon</strong> DC motor, <strong>maxon</strong> -maxand <strong>maxon</strong> -max1. PrinciplesThe standard specification describestests carried out on the finished motorand during the production process.In order to guarantee our high qualitystandard, we check materials, parts andsubassemblies through the manufacturingprocess and the complete motor. Theobtained measurements are recordedand can be made available to customersif required. Random sampling plansare according to ISO 2859, MIL STD105E and DIN/ISO 3951 (inspection byattributes, sequential sampling, variablesinspection) as well as internal manufacturingcontrols. This specification alwaysapplies unless a different one has beenagreed between the customer and <strong>maxon</strong>.2. Data2.1 Electrical data apply at 22° to 25°C.Data control within one minute runningtime.Measurement voltage +/- 0.5 % forvoltages 3V and± 0.015 V for voltages 3VNo-load speed ± 10%No-load current maximum specifiedvalueSense of rotation cw = clockwiseMotor position horizontalNotes: Measurement voltage may varyfrom the nominal voltage listed in thecatalog. The no load current specifiedin the catalog is a typical value and notthe maximum one. By connecting thered wires or if voltage is applied to the ‘+’Terminal, shaft rotation is cw (clockwise)as seen from the mounting end. For ccwrunning, the specified tolerance data mayonly be marginally exceeded.Terminal resistance: Winding resistanceis verified in the manufacturingprocess through spot checks on a representativebasis. Terminal resistanceis determined at product certification. Itshould be noted that terminal resistancedepends on the rotor’s rotational position.As transfer resistance depends oncurrent density in graphite brushes, measuringresistance with an ohmmeter if thecurrent is low does not give reasonableresults. Too low a reading is producedwith precious metal brush motors if thebrushes bridge two commutator segments,thereby short-circuiting one coilsegment.Inductance is determined at productcertification. Test frequency is 1 kHz. Themotor’s terminal inductance depends onfrequency.Commutation: An oscilloscope is usedto check the neutral setting and test forelectrical faults, such as interruptedwinding or short-circuit between turns.Commutation displays for precious metalbrushes and graphite brushes are not directlycomparable. Precious metal brushesdisplay a clear commutation picturewhich remains interference free up to themotor‘s recommended maximum speed,but with graphite brushes, this is only expectedup to around one third of that. Inaddition, it should be noted that the contactresistance of graphite brushes andthe torque constant may change duringthe run-in period due to increased brushseating. As a result, no-load current andspeed may drift marginally. The same effectmay also be observed if motors arebeing operated under no-load conditionover a longer period.2.2 Mechanical data per outline drawing:Standardmeasuring instruments (forelectrical length measuring DIN 32876,micrometer per DIN 863, dial indicatorDIN 878, calliper per DIN 862, bore calliperDIN 2245, thread calliper per DIN2280 and others) are used.2.3 Rotor imbalance: Rotors are balancedaccording to standard data or customerrequirements during manufacturing.2.4 Noise: Tests are carried out for anomalieswithin a lot, on a subjective basis.Depending on speed, the motions in themotor cause noise and vibration of varyingdegrees, frequency and intensity. Thenoise level experienced with a singlesample unit should not be interpreted asindicative of the noise or vibration level tobe expected of future deliveries.2.5 Service life: Durability tests are carriedout under uniform internal criteria as partof product certification. A motor‘s servicelife essentially depends on the operatingand ambient conditions. Consequently,the many possible variations do not allowus to make a general statement onservice life.2.6 Environmental influencesProtection against corrosion: Our productsare tested during product certificationon the basis of DIN EN 60068-2-30.Coating of components: Surface treatmentand coating procedures used by<strong>maxon</strong> are selected on the basis of theirmerits to resist corrosion. These treatmentsare evaluated at product certificationaccording to their applicable standard.3. Parameters that differ from or are additionalto the data sheet can be specifiedand will be then a central part of our systematictesting as the customer‘s specification.Test/inspection certificates areissued by prior agreement.January 2010 edition / subject to change48<strong>maxon</strong> DC motorMay 2012 edition / subject to change

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