The Baker Panel Report - ABSA

The Baker Panel Report - ABSA

The Baker Panel Report - ABSA


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<strong>The</strong> table below contains the substance of the responses from the refineries to those questions.Table 52Gap Analysis under BP 2006 Integrity Management StandardRelating to Continuous Risk ReductionRefineryNameHow is process of continuousrisk reduction managed?Current Practices/ProcessesGaps to Meet IM StandardExpectationCarson No formalized process No formalized process tomanage continuous riskreduction.Actions Needed to Close Gaps;CommentsDevelop a formalized process formanaging continuous riskreduction.Cherry PointHazard operability studies, managementof change, root cause findinganalysis, and major accident riskanalysis all identity potential risksthat the Cherry Point refinerycontinually manages.Hazard and operability studyrevalidations, risk studies.None.None.[Comment: For the Refining SPU,this will be managed at an SPUlevel. New process required.]Texas City[None identified.]Implement Refining recommendationsin this area.[Comment: For Global Refining,this will be managed at the Refininglevel. New process required.]Toledo* * * *Whiting<strong>The</strong> current process is managed byevaluating and prioritizing AvailabilityRisks on a continuous basis.A matrix is used . . . to continuallyrank top items. Asset OperationsManagement reviews the topranked items and appropriates/-schedules funding to promptlyaddress acute hazards. .Quantitative risk analysisusing BP Group Standardsare not in place. <strong>The</strong>Availability Risk Registermay not currently beinclusive of all [IntegrityManagement] Risks bydefinition.Assign accountability for completingmajor accident risk assessmentto Integrity Managementsingle point of accountability.Educate the site on how risks areassessed and managed to closure.Establish performance metrics tobe included in the site annualperformance plan. Consider associatingrisk reduction metrics withsite VPP.[Comment: For the refining SPUthis will be managed at an SPUlevel. New process required.]* BP did not provide to the <strong>Panel</strong> a response from the Toledo refinery for this item.<strong>The</strong> responses above indicate an absence of a comprehensive, holistic plan to reduce risk. <strong>The</strong> variety in the responses also indicates that therefineries do not know what is expected of them in terms of continuous process risk reduction programs. Each refinery had a different response,including one response (Carson) acknowledging no formal process risk reduction process. Two refineries, Cherry Point and Texas City, hadsimilar descriptions of how risks were being managed, but different assessments of actions needed to close deficiencies. Refineries haddifferent proposed plans to close gaps, ranging from a refinery plan to close the gap (Carson) to reliance on corporate management at therefining strategic performance unit level (Texas City, Whiting).Process Safety Management Systems C 170

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