The Baker Panel Report - ABSA

The Baker Panel Report - ABSA

The Baker Panel Report - ABSA


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In response to the Urgent Recommendation of the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) (copy attached as Appendix 1),the Group Chief Executive of BP p.l.c., acting under delegated authority of the Board of Directors of that company, hereby commissions anindependent panel, to be named the BP U.S. Refineries Independent Safety Review <strong>Panel</strong> (Independent <strong>Panel</strong>). <strong>The</strong> purpose of the Independent<strong>Panel</strong> is to make a thorough, independent and credible assessment of the effectiveness of BP Products North America Inc.’s (BP Products)corporate oversight of safety management systems at its refineries 1 and its corporate safety culture. <strong>The</strong> commissioning of this review andindependent assessment reflects BP p.l.c.’s ongoing commitment to the safe operation of all its United States refining facilities.I. PurposesAPPENDIX ABP U.S. REFINERIES INDEPENDENT SAFETY REVIEWPANEL CHARTER<strong>The</strong> Independent <strong>Panel</strong>’s written report will examine and recommend any needed improvements to: Corporate safety oversight, including the safe management of refineries obtained through mergers and acquisitions. Corporate safety culture, including the degree to which: Corporate officials exercise appropriate leadership to promote adherence to safety management systems; Process safety is effectively incorporated into management decision-making at all levels; Employees at all levels are empowered to promote improved process safety; and Process safety programs receive adequate resources and are appropriately positioned within organizational structures. Corporate and site safety management systems, specifically: Near miss reporting and investigation programs; Mechanical integrity programs; Hazard analysis programs, management-of-change programs, and up to date operating procedures for processes withcatastrophic potential; and Siting policies for occupied structures near hazardous operating units. <strong>The</strong> Independent <strong>Panel</strong> should avoid duplicating the efforts of the CSB to determine the specific root causes of the incident at TexasCity on March 23, 2005. <strong>The</strong> Independent <strong>Panel</strong> should not seek to affix blame or apportion responsibility for any past event. Any ambiguities in interpretation of this Charter will be resolved in a manner consistent with the purposes and objectives of the CSBRecommendation.II. Independent <strong>Panel</strong> Membership <strong>The</strong> Independent <strong>Panel</strong> will have at least seven (7) members. Members will be appointed by the Group Chief Executive of BP p.l.c. based on their competence and ability to add substance to thedeliberations of the Independent <strong>Panel</strong>. Members will be appointed so as to have a diverse makeup, including an external chairperson, labor representatives, and outsidesafety experts, such as experts in process safety, experts in corporate culture, organizational behavior and human factors andexperts from other high risk sectors such as aviation, space exploration, nuclear energy and the undersea navy. Each Member must also be, and remain during the term of his or her service, independent and free from any material relationshipthat, in the opinion of the Group Chief Executive of BP p.l.c., would interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment orwould appear to a reasonable observer to do so. Such material conflicts of interest will be avoided in the selection of Independent<strong>Panel</strong> Members through the normal vetting process conducted by BP p.l.c. and its counsel. Independent <strong>Panel</strong> Members will berequired to disclose to BP p.l.c. and to the Independent <strong>Panel</strong> the nature of any relationship with BP p.l.c. or a BP p.l.c. subsidiary orother relevant entities. Upon its formation, the Independent <strong>Panel</strong> shall make public a summary of any known material conflicts ofinterest involving its Members and an explanation of how those conflicts have been resolved. Any Independent <strong>Panel</strong> vacancies will be filled, and any additions to membership will be made, by the Group Chief Executive of BPp.l.c., after consultation with the Chair of the Independent <strong>Panel</strong>, and will be consistent with the considerations above. <strong>The</strong> CSB willbe notified of any vacancies and subsequent appointments to the Independent <strong>Panel</strong>. Only the Independent <strong>Panel</strong> acting by a majority vote is authorized to remove a sitting member of the Independent <strong>Panel</strong> for good cause.<strong>Panel</strong> Charter C A-1

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