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香港總商會全程為您 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce


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| Share Alike 分 甘 同 味 |Crispy Beef Brisket「 宮 廷 雪 花 牛 」 HK$98<strong>The</strong> beef is slowly braised withcumin, thyme, Sichuan pepperand anise, making it very tasty.以 孜 然 、 百 里 香 和 花 椒 八 角 慢 火 烹 調 的牛 腩 , 配 以 薄 脆 的 酥 皮 , 肉 質 外 脆 內 嫩 ,非 一 般 酒 家 能 做 到 。Tai Chi Duck Two Ways「 太 極 鴛 鴦 鴨 」(Chaozhouese + Sichuanese潮 洲 + ) 四 HK$128川Duck meat is rolled with saltedand preserved eggs to form onepart <strong>of</strong> this award-winning dish,while the bones are stir-friedSichuan style.冷 盆 的 一 邊 是 將 米 鴨 全 隻 起 骨 , 包 裹 鹹蛋 和 皮 蛋 成 為 卷 狀 再 切 片 ; 熱 盤 則 以 四川 麻 辣 醬 爆 炒 米 鴨 件 , 鑊 氣 十 足 , 是 該店 的 得 獎 菜 式 。Crispy Sea Cucumber「 脆 皮 海 參 」Sea cucumber is usually braised,so this dish really shows ChefChueng’s innovation.海 參 一 般 都 以 燜 燉 為 主 , 這 道 菜 式 盡 顯大 廚 的 創 意 。Traditional Shanghai cuisine is famous forpickling food in wine. Based on the famousShanghai Drunken Chicken,Chef Cheung cooks Hungariangoose liver slowly in a homemadeHua Diao wine marinade, whichmakes his Drunken Goose Liverextremely silky and aromatic.<strong>The</strong> icing on the cake is that itcosts just $48!If you are a fan <strong>of</strong> Sichuan spicyfood, don’t miss their Sichuan Spicy Clams.<strong>The</strong> clams are half shelled, and have a perfectlybalanced flavour <strong>of</strong> Sichuan pepper oil, vinegar,soy sauce and sugar. It is so tasty that the dishdisappears as quickly as it arrives.<strong>The</strong> restaurant’s pan-fried prawns might lookunattractive, but they taste beautiful. <strong>The</strong> thick,sweet Malaysian dark soy sauce creates a caramelkind <strong>of</strong> coating, which makes the prawnstaste extra sweet and fresh.Many people fall in love with the “Lao GanMa” (old grandma) chilli sauce after visitingGuizhou. <strong>The</strong> restaurant uses the sauce to makeits Stir-fried Frog in Lao Gan Ma Chili Sauce,which is very aromatic and full <strong>of</strong> black beansand chilli flavours. <strong>The</strong> frog is flash-fried to keepthe meat moist and tender.Another magical dish is Crispy Beef Brisket.After braising the meat for three hours, thebeef has an amazing aroma <strong>of</strong> cumin, thyme,Sichuan pepper and anise. <strong>The</strong> meat is thendeep-fried in a crispy batter, making it aunique dish. Other must-try dishes includeXinjiang style Braised Lamb Ribs, HunanSteamed Fish Head with Wild Peppers,and the innovative Crispy Sea Cucumber, amongothers. <strong>The</strong>re are so many specialties that I recommendyou go back to try other dishes withyour friends.Chef CheungBorn in Shanghai, Chef Cheung is no strangerto Beijing and Shanghai cuisine. He served hisapprenticeship under the late Chung Kam, awell-known chef from the East Ocean and VictoriaCity Restaurant Group. He worked withChung all over China, and even learned cookingtechniques in Europe and the U.S, to develop hisknowledge <strong>of</strong> various cuisines. When he decidedto open his own restaurant, he felt that the highrental costs are the biggest challenges to restaurantowners. <strong>The</strong>refore, he decided to open inan old district where rents are much lower thanin fashionable areas, so that customers pay forwhat they eat, rather than the rent. He is confidentthat as long as you have good food and agood reputation, food lovers won’t mind makingthe journey to get there. Give it a try and youwill discover the difference.50 June 2012 <strong>The</strong> Bulletin 工 商 月 刊

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