香港總商會全程為您 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

香港總商會全程為您 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

香港總商會全程為您 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce


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| <strong>Chamber</strong> in Review 活 動 重 溫 |China Committee 中 國 委 員 會China’s 12th Five-Year-Plan was the focus <strong>of</strong> our work in2011, as the Central Government dedicated an entirechapter to <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> and Macau – a significant show<strong>of</strong> support for the two SARs. Moreover, 90% <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong>’ssuggestions to the Central and <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> governments, onhow <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> should position itself as an <strong>of</strong>fshore RMB andwealth management centre, were adopted.A key aspect <strong>of</strong> the plan is the Central Government’s goalto speed up the country’s transition by stimulating domesticconsumption. It is also encouraging the services and emergingindustries to play a bigger role in China’s economic development.Urbanization, innovation and advances in technologyare being encouraged as part <strong>of</strong> its “go global” strategy. All <strong>of</strong>these initiatives will bring tremendous opportunities for <strong>Hong</strong><strong>Kong</strong> businesses.Meanwhile, CEPA, an initiative originally proposed by the<strong>Chamber</strong>, has remained an important instrument for variousbusiness sectors from <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> operating in the Mainland.In addition to our regular missions, our 40-member, highlevelbusiness delegation to Beijing in November was very useful.We meet with State Councillor Liu Yangdong, as well asother senior <strong>of</strong>ficials, who provided us with very frank and usefulbriefings.In the 2011-12 Policy Address, the Chief Executive announcedthat the Government would set up a dedicated fund <strong>of</strong> one billiondollars to assist <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> companies grow their brandsand marketing plans in the Mainland. Businesses that qualify canalso use the fund to restructure and upgrade their operations inChina. <strong>The</strong>re were some concerns that the implementation <strong>of</strong> theproposed fund would make it impractical and deter companiesfrom applying. <strong>The</strong>refore, the China Committee, together withthe SME, and Industry & Technology committees, submitted ourviews to the Government on how the application process couldbe improved to make the scheme more effective.In December, Guangdong’s Vice Governor Zhao Yufang leda delegation comprising <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials from 20 different depart-國家 「 十 二 五 」 規 劃 是 2011 年 的 工 作 重 點 , 因 為 中 央 政 府 以 獨 立篇 幅 詳 述 了 港 澳 的 未 來 發 展 大 計 , 盡 顯 對 這 兩 個 特 區 的 支 持 。此 外 , 總 商 會 曾 就 香 港 作 為 離 岸 人 民 幣 及 財 富 管 理 中 心 應 如 何定 位 , 向 中 央 和 香 港 政 府 提 出 眾 多 建 議 , 結 果 當 中 有 九 成 獲 當 局 採 納 。「 十 二 五 」 的 重 點 內 容 是 中 央 政 府 計 劃 刺 激 本 地 消 費 , 加 快 國 家 轉型 , 並 鼓 勵 服 務 業 和 新 興 行 業 在 中 國 經 濟 發 展 中 擔 當 更 重 要 角 色 。 推 動城 市 化 、 創 新 和 科 技 發 展 , 都 是 「 走 出 去 」 的 部 分 策 略 。 這 一 連 串 措 施都 會 為 香 港 企 業 帶 來 龐 大 商 機 。與 此 同 時 , 由 總 商 會 率 先 倡 議 的 CEPA, 仍 然 是 香 港 各 界 在 內 地 營 商的 重 要 措 施 。除 了 定 期 的 考 察 團 外 , 本 委 員 會 在 11 月 舉 辦 的 40 人 高 層 訪 京 團 亦 非 常 實用 。 我 們 與 國 務 委 員 劉 延 東 及 其 他 高 官 會 面 , 細 聽 他 們 坦 率 實 用 的 簡 報 。在 2011 至 2012 年 度 施 政 報 告 中 , 行 政 長 官 公 布 政 府 將 設 立 10 億 元 專項 基 金 , 協 助 港 企 在 內 地 發 展 品 牌 , 實 踐 市 場 推 廣 計 劃 。 合 資 格 企 業 還可 動 用 基 金 , 為 內 地 業 務 升 級 轉 型 。 本 會 關 注 到 建 議 基 金 的 推 行 方 式 不Legal Committee<strong>The</strong> past year has been a busy one for the LegalCommittee. This was due mostly to a number <strong>of</strong> complexlegislative proposals that the present administration wastrying to push through before the close <strong>of</strong> the currentLegislative Council session. <strong>The</strong>se included:• the modernization <strong>of</strong> the Companies Bill;• a proposal to legislate against unscrupulous retailpractices; and• the incipient Competition Law.Given the broad and potentially disruptive implications <strong>of</strong>these legislative developments, the <strong>Chamber</strong> has been payingclose attention to the lawmaking process <strong>of</strong>ten with theCommittee leading or supporting campaigns to engage withGovernment and legislators to highlight issues <strong>of</strong> concern tothe 74 June private 2012 sector.<strong>The</strong> Bulletin 工 商 月 刊<strong>The</strong> Legal Committee also regularly was called upon torepresent the <strong>Chamber</strong> at Legislative Council meetings topresent the business perspective on the various draft Billsthat were undergoing scrutiny. This channel <strong>of</strong>communication provides the <strong>Chamber</strong> with the furtheropportunity <strong>of</strong> ensuring that the opinions <strong>of</strong> business areactually heard and to augment the views that we have putforward in written submissions. It also allows us to respondquickly to emerging developments in Government and theLegislative Council. We have found this approach to beuseful for major legislative proposals such those related tothe Competition Bill and the Companies Bill. In particular,in respect <strong>of</strong> the Companies Bill, we have specificallyaddressed the issue <strong>of</strong> the headcount test.Other than spending a lot <strong>of</strong> time on the CompetitionBill and the Companies Bill over the last year, theCommittee also put in submissions on other topics. <strong>The</strong>seincluded:

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