香港總商會全程為您 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

香港總商會全程為您 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

香港總商會全程為您 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce


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Boosting domestic demand andaccelerating China’s economicshift will spearhead the CentralGovernment’s efforts to keep its economygrowing in the coming year.<strong>The</strong> Mainland aims to stimulate consumerconfidence through various socialsecurity schemes, speeding up the pace<strong>of</strong> “going out” and the development <strong>of</strong>services industries, according to <strong>of</strong>ficialsin Beijing. <strong>The</strong>y also urge <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>companies to proactively participate inthese developments to seize new businessopportunities.Speaking to members during the<strong>Chamber</strong>’s China Committee missionto Beijing on April 27, senior <strong>of</strong>ficials inthe capital said many Mainland enterpriseslack international expertise, and<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> can play a role in pluggingthis shortcoming.Emil Yu, China Committee Chairmanand mission leader, said the visit was tremendouslyuseful in helping delegatesgain a sound understanding <strong>of</strong> macroeconomictrends following policy directionsunveiled in the NPC and CPPCCsessions earlier this year.“Officials discussed <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong>’s rolein the country’s future economic reforms.More importantly, through personalexchanges with local <strong>of</strong>ficials, businessesand pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, members picked upsome ideas about how their companiesshould take advantage <strong>of</strong> the opportunitiesarising from the state’s efforts toexpand domestic demand,” he said.Zhou Liujun, Director <strong>of</strong> Department<strong>of</strong> Trade in Services and CommercialServices, Ministry <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,pointed out that further liberalizingtrade in services, accelerating the goingout <strong>of</strong> service enterprises and encouraginginnovation in service industries arecentral to the Framework for Development<strong>of</strong> Trade in Services under the 12thFive-Year Plan, announced by the Ministry<strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> last September. It isalso stepping up support for businessesto go global. He expressed his hopethat <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> businesses, with theirinternational expertise, will partner withMainland enterprises to reduce their riskwhen engaging in overseas mergers andacquisitions.Li Lu, Vice Chairman <strong>of</strong> the All-ChinaFederation <strong>of</strong> Industry and <strong>Commerce</strong>,also emphasized that Chinese companiesexpanding overseas will require supportfrom different service sectors, and <strong>Hong</strong><strong>Kong</strong> enterprises are perfectly positionedto capitalize on these developments.<strong>Chamber</strong> CEO Shirley Yuen said that<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> has a long history <strong>of</strong> actingas a bridge between international andMainland companies.“In assisting Mainland companiesgo global, <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> has been playingan important role in strategic planning,market research, intellectual propertyprotection, management, and financialand legal services,” she said. “Whilegoing global has now become a nationalstrategy, we believe cooperation between<strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> and Mainland enterpriseswill deepen accordingly. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>will continue to provide an effectiveplatform for these enterprises.”Zhang Zhiyong, Chief Economist <strong>of</strong>State Administration <strong>of</strong> Taxation introducedthe future direction <strong>of</strong> the state’sfuture tax reforms. He highlighted thatmore tax incentives will be provided formicro and small businesses, such as raisingthe value-added tax and business taxthresholds; and extending the schemeto cut corporate income tax by half formicro and small enterprises through2015, among others.Delegates also called on Pei Changhong,Director <strong>of</strong> Institute <strong>of</strong> Economics<strong>of</strong> Chinese Academy <strong>of</strong> Social Science,and He Xia<strong>of</strong>eng, Director <strong>of</strong> Financial& Industrial Development Institute <strong>of</strong>Peking University, who provided an overview<strong>of</strong> the Mainland’s macroeconomicand monetary developments. <strong>The</strong>ybelieve the economy will maintain steadygrowth this year, and future policies willfocus on protecting people’s livelihoodsand stimulation <strong>of</strong> domestic demand.Langfang<strong>The</strong> delegation also visited Langfang,Hebei Province, to gain a deeper understanding<strong>of</strong> this famous city, which liesbetween Beijing and Tianjin, adjacentto the planned second airport for thecapital. Besides its strategic location,the city’s information technology, newenergy and food processing industriesare undergoing rapid development.Zhang Jinbo, Secretary <strong>of</strong> MunicipalCommittee <strong>of</strong> the CPC, Sanhe City andGu Zhengmei, Mayor <strong>of</strong> Sanhe City, tolddelegates that an airport for businessjets is under planning. <strong>The</strong>y believe theproject will be significant to the area’sfuture development <strong>of</strong> aviation andservices industries.Members visit Langfang Project Centre.代 表 團 參 觀 廊 坊 項 目 中 心 。Delegates <strong>of</strong> HKGCC’s Mission to Beijing and Langfang posefor a group photo with Chief Economist, State Administration<strong>of</strong> Taxation People’s Republic <strong>of</strong> China, Zhang Zhi Yong.總 商 會 北 京 及 廊 坊 訪 問 團 與 國 家 稅 務 總 局 總 經 濟 師 張 志 勇 合 照 。<strong>The</strong> Bulletin 工 商 月 刊 June 2012 67

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