I-66 Multimodal Study Final Report - Virginia Department of ...

I-66 Multimodal Study Final Report - Virginia Department of ...

I-66 Multimodal Study Final Report - Virginia Department of ...

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Potential Funding ApproachesTable 5.6Rating Definitions for Revenue Evaluation CriteriaCriterion Low Medium HighYieldRevenue streams are low and may notprovide sufficient funding to support aproject or program, or can only beimplemented over the short term.Revenue streams are close to orcomparable to existing revenue options.Levies may partially support a projector program, and could be leveragedthrough finance.Revenue streams are higher thanexisting revenue options. Levies cansupport a project and program over thelong term.Predictability/ReliabilityRevenue fluctuations are uncertain andhighly volatile, making it difficult topredict future revenue streams.Revenue fluctuations are relativelypredictable.Revenue streams are highly predictable,with a long history <strong>of</strong> receipts for whichtrends can be easily identified.StabilityFluctuations in revenues are highlyvariable year to year, and specificfactors affecting stability cannot beidentified.Fluctuations in revenues are generallyconsistent over time, and the factorsaffecting stability are generally known,such as economic downturns.Fluctuations in revenues are low ornonexistent.Synergy between Growthand Demand (EconomicEfficiency)The revenue source and the use <strong>of</strong> thesystem are unrelated, thus it does notprovide clear pricing signals, leading toinefficient use <strong>of</strong> the system.The revenue source and the use <strong>of</strong> thesystem are indirectly related(e.g., motor fuel taxes), yet pricingsignals are not clear and users are notencouraged to make efficient use <strong>of</strong> thesystem.There is a strong relationship betweenthe revenue source and the use <strong>of</strong> thesystem, sending clear pricing signals,and encouraging the efficient use <strong>of</strong> thesystem. The revenue option reflects thetrue cost <strong>of</strong> using the system.FlexibilityUse <strong>of</strong> revenues limited to a specificmode.Use <strong>of</strong> revenues to support multimodalinvestments subject to public/politicalacceptance or through legislativemandate.Revenues can support multimodalinvestments.I-<strong>66</strong> <strong>Multimodal</strong> <strong>Study</strong> 5-11

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