biomedical sciences research institute - Research - University of Ulster

biomedical sciences research institute - Research - University of Ulster

biomedical sciences research institute - Research - University of Ulster

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5. BIOIMAGING RESEARCH GROUP<strong>Research</strong> StrategyThe group is involved in three main strands <strong>of</strong> <strong>research</strong>:i) nanotoxicologyii) tissue development, andiii) instrumentation.Nanotoxicology:The Group has been successful in attracting EU FP6 funding <strong>of</strong> €320,000, ‘NanoInteract’, for <strong>research</strong> into nanoparticlepreparation techniques for biological substrates, delivery systems and toxicity measurements at the cellular level.Two full-time RAs are involved in this work. The group has also learned that it has been successful in attracting EUFP7 funding €450,000, ‘NeuroNano’, which will start in the near future and allow the expansion <strong>of</strong> the nanotoxicolgyactivities.Tissue Development:A process that commences in the embryo but goes on throughout life and includes degenerative processes. Onemain area <strong>of</strong> interest is the vascularisation <strong>of</strong> tissues in health and disease states such as wound healing and oculardevelopment. During 2008 an EPSRC grant to investigate the role <strong>of</strong> angiogenesis in wound healing (£260,000 – UUcomponent)) came to an end (Joint between Nottingham, Brighton and UU) which examined the role <strong>of</strong> bloodvessel growth over time in the same wound and modelling their growth based on structural and physiologicalparameters. This led to several publications on the longitudinal analysis <strong>of</strong> wounds using epi-fluorescence and confocalmicroscopy, which is a particular strength <strong>of</strong> the group. We have also attracted a grant from the BBSRC (£356,000 –UU component) will commence in February 2008 in conjunction with colleagues at Heriot-Watt and the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Dundee. This collaborative project is examining the cellular and molecular determinants <strong>of</strong> retinal vascular plexusformation and how mathematical modelling can be used to predict the outcome <strong>of</strong> vascular patterning.. Anothermajor strand <strong>of</strong> interest concerns neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, usinganimal models. The new FP7 grant will, when it comes on stream, allow for the integration <strong>of</strong> the neurodegenerativeand nanotoxicology strands <strong>of</strong> <strong>research</strong>. Tissue engineering techniques are being investigated with colleagues inBoston (USA) to develop an in vitro model <strong>of</strong> breast tissue to study the relationship between tissue dysgenesisand cancer. In all the tissue development projects the use <strong>of</strong> stereology, for which this group has an internationalreputation for innovation and excellence, is a common factor.Instrumentation:This year has seen the finalisation the Centre for Advanced Imaging centred around the 3 new FEI electronmicroscopes recently installed. This includes a unique cryo-dual beam SEM which facilitates ‘nano-milling’ <strong>of</strong> frozenbiological tissue with imaging able to resolve 2 nanometres. This will prove invaluable in nanotoxicology <strong>research</strong>.The group is <strong>research</strong>ing, in collaboration with Unilever <strong>Research</strong>, a Raman spectroscopy facility which will lead to‘chemical mapping’ at the nanoscale, which is going to be the next big development in bioimaging.Members <strong>of</strong> the Group:Academic Staff:Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Vyvyan HowardGroup Leader: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> BioimagingContact Details:T: +44 (0)28 70323383v.howard@ulster.ac.ukDuring the year Vyvyan Howard was elected a Fellow <strong>of</strong> the Collegium Ramazzini, one <strong>of</strong> the foremost institutions20

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