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Course Descriptions • 471WST 410 Supervised Individualized StudyGuided individual study of a particular area or topic in Women’s Studies as agreed by the student and instructor.An outline of the proposed study content, learning activities and evaluation methods is submitted to the instructorfor approval prior to enrollment. Prerequisite: WST 100. One to three credits.WST 420 Women and the HolocaustThis course introduces students to the origins and ramifications of the Holocaust with special emphasis onwomen’s experiences during the Holocaust. Drawing on primary sources of women’s studies and trauma theory,the course explores the complex interplay of gender, race, nation and global culture in the context of mass murder.No prior knowledge of the Holocaust is necessary. WST 100 is recommended but not required. Three credits.WRITING (WR)WR 099 Writing LabA one-hour lab for those students requiring assistance to improve college-level writing skills. Grade of “S” or “U”only. One pre-college-level credit.WR 301 Peer Tutoring in WritingCourse prepares students to become peer writing tutors through the study and application of writing centertheory, writing process theory and general theories of learning. Prerequisite: ENG 101. Three credits.WR 302 Writing in the Health ProfessionsDesigned to both improve students’ writing skills as well as acquaint them with important genres, strategies andstyles of writing in medicine, nursing, physical therapy, athletic training and other health professions, this coursemixes workshop with lecture and discussion formats and allows student to work (in ethical ways) on writingrequired by science courses they are currently taking. Three credits.

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