2006 - UZ Leuven

2006 - UZ Leuven

2006 - UZ Leuven


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Material and methods: We want to evaluate the clinical outcome andease of surgical procedure of four different commercially availablenailing systems for the proximal humerus. The systems evaluated are:Synthes PHN, Braun Targon, Zimmer Sirus and Strycker T2. We didinclude 40 patients in the study. Patients were randomly allocated toone of the implant groups and all per- and post-operative data havebeen collected prospectively. Functional outcome is scored using theConstant score, DASH and ASES shoulder index. Radiographically,helaing, loosening and implant related complications are scored.Results: Peroperatively the duration of surgery was significantly lowerin the Synthes PHN-group. Between the other groups there were nodifferences. Intra-operative complications were significantly higher forthe Strycker T2-group. Post-operative complications and implantrelated complaints were significantly higher for the Strycker and theZimmer groups. Functional scoring was significantly better for theSynthes and the Braun group.Conclusions: 2 and 3 part fractures of the proximal humerus can betreated using intramedullary implants. In our hands the Synthes andthe Brain nail did score significantly better, both in functional as inradiographycal evaluations.VAN SEYMORTIER P., STOFFELEN D., FORTEMS Y., REYNDERS P.:The reverse shoulder prosthesis (Delta III) in acute shoulder fractures:technical considerations with respect to stability. Acta Orthop. Belg.,<strong>2006</strong>; 72(4): 474-477.The reverse shoulder prosthesis reverses the relationship between thescapular and humeral component, resulting in a mechanicaladvantage as the deltoid muscle is able to compensate for the rotatorcuff deficiency. Based on this mechanical advantage, the reverseshoulder prosthesis has become an accepted alternative for thetreatment of complex proximal humeral fractures. The purpose of thisarticle is to discuss technical considerations related to stability in theuse of the reverse shoulder prosthesis in acute shoulder fractures,based on clinical experience.126

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