2006 - UZ Leuven

2006 - UZ Leuven

2006 - UZ Leuven


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FOURNEAU I., SABBE T., DAENENS K., NEVELSTEEN A.: Hand-assistedlaparoscopy versus conventional median laparotomy foraortobifemoral bypass for severe aorto-iliac occlusive disease: aprospective randomised study. Eur. J. Vasc. Endovasc. Surg., <strong>2006</strong>; 32:645-650.Objectives: To demonstrate that hand-assisted laparoscopy foraortofemoral bypass for severe aorto-iliac occlusive disease reducesmorbidity with earlier recovery of bowel function and shorter inhospitalstay.Design: Randomised controlled trial.Materials and methods: Thirty-six consecutive patients with severeaorto-iliac occlusive disease (TASK C/D) without history of majorabdominal surgery necessitating an aortobifemoral bypass wererandomised between a hand-assisted laparoscopic (HALS) approachand a conventional medial laparotomy. Operative data, early recoverydata, quality of life and vascular outcome were analysed.Results: No significant differences in operative data were found. Fluidand solid diet were resumed earlier (28.8 hrs vs. 76.9 hrs; p=0.016)(45.6 hrs vs. 105.6 hrs; p=0.02) and in-hospital stay was shorter (7.5vs. 8.9 days; p=0.005) in the HALS group. Six weeks post-operativelysocial functioning measured by the SF-36 survey score was better inpatients randomised to HALS (p=0.023).Conclusions: HALS is a less invasive approach for aortofemoralbypass.GODDEERIS K., DAENENS K., MOULIN-ROMSEE G., BLOCKMANS D.:Chronic-contained rupture of an infected aneurysm of the abdominalaorta due to Listerio monocytogenes. Nederlands J. Med., <strong>2006</strong>; 64(3):85-87.We report a case of chronic-contained rupture of an infectedaneurysm of the abdominal aorta, from which Listeria monocytogeneswas cultured. The diagnosis of rupture and retroperitoneal mass wasmade by computed tomography, whereas FDG -PET diagnosedvessel wall inflammation. The infectious nature only became apparentat surgery.HASSEN-KHODJA R., FEUGIER P., FAVRE J.P., NEVELSTEEN A.,FERREIRA J.: Outcome of common iliac arteries after straight aortictube-graft placement during elective repair of infrarenal abdominalaortic aneurysms. J. Vasc. Surg., <strong>2006</strong>; 44(5): 943-948.163

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