2006 - UZ Leuven

2006 - UZ Leuven

2006 - UZ Leuven


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SISCOM hyperperfusion cluster and MRI-visible FDL in a noninvasivepresurgical evaluation with concordant data may suffice to proceed toepilepsy surgery aimed at removing the MRI-visible FDL and the partof the hyperperfusion cluster within and immediately surrounding theFDL.GOFFIN J.: Complications of cervical disc arthroplasty. Semin. SpineSurg., <strong>2006</strong>; 18: 87-98.To date, reported complications with cervical disc replacement havenot been numerous. However, the clinical experience is still limitedboth from the perspective of number of cases and duration of followup.As a consequence, likely failure is also contemplated in this article.There are a number of absolute and relative contra-indications forartificial disc surgery in the cervical spine. The intraoperative risks arenot terribly different from those known from anterior discectomy andfusion. Malpositioning of the prosthesis may be due to procedurerelatedor surgeon-related problems and might lead to short-term orlong-term failures. Early postoperative displacement may be avoidedby initial bone-interplant interface stability. Besides other factors,intermediate term postoperative loss of motion may be due to thedevelopment of paravertebral ossification, an issue that still needsmore investigation. From a theoretical viewpoint, long term weardebris formation might lead to loosening of the prosthesis; however,no corresponding case reports have been reported yet.HEYE S., MALEUX G., VAN LOON J., WILMS G.: Symptomatic stenosisof the carvernous portion of the internal carotid artery due to anirresectable medial sphenoid wing meningioma: treatment byendovascular stent placement. AJNR, <strong>2006</strong>; 27(7): 1532-1534.A 48-year-old woman, with right-sided proptosis and decreased visualacuity, presented with acute left sensorimotor deficit. Recent ischemiain the right posterior watershed area was found on CT and MRimaging, as well as a right-sided medial sphenoid wing meningiomacausing high-grade stenotic encasement of the cavernous portion ofthe right internal carotid artery. Because the patient was symptomaticand complete resection of the meningioma was impossible, thestenosis was successfully treated with a balloon-expanding stent.42

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