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<strong>The</strong> Advent and Progress of the Spiritual Age 265to his own nature. Again — and this is yet another source ofinevitable failure — the usual tendency of these credal religionsis to turn towards an afterworld and to make the regenerationof the earthly life a secondary motive; this tendency grows inproportion as the original hope of a present universal regenerationof mankind becomes more and more feeble. <strong>The</strong>refore whilemany new spiritual waves with their strong special motives anddisciplines must necessarily be the forerunners of a spiritual age,yet their claims must be subordinated in the general mind of therace and of its spiritual leaders to the recognition that all motivesand disciplines are valid and yet none entirely valid since they aremeans and not the one thing to be done. <strong>The</strong> one thing essentialmust take precedence, the conversion of the whole life of the humanbeing to the lead of the spirit. <strong>The</strong> ascent of man into heavenis not the key, but rather his ascent here into the spirit and the descentalso of the spirit into his normal humanity and the transformationof this earthly nature. For that and not some post mortemsalvation is the real new birth for which humanity waits as thecrowning movement of its long obscure and painful course.<strong>The</strong>refore the individuals who will most help the future ofhumanity in the new age will be those who will recognise aspiritual evolution as the destiny and therefore the great needof the human being. Even as the animal man has been largelyconverted into a mentalised and at the top a highly mentalisedhumanity, so too now or in the future an evolution or conversion— it does not greatly matter which figure we use orwhat theory we adopt to support it — of the present type ofhumanity into a spiritualised humanity is the need of the raceand surely the intention of Nature; that evolution or conversionwill be their ideal and endeavour. <strong>The</strong>y will be comparativelyindifferent to particular belief and form and leave men to resortto the beliefs and forms to which they are naturally drawn. <strong>The</strong>ywill only hold as essential the faith in this spiritual conversion,the attempt to live it out and whatever knowledge — the formof opinion into which it is thrown does not so much matter— can be converted into this living. <strong>The</strong>y will especially notmake the mistake of thinking that this change can be effected by

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