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504 <strong>The</strong> Ideal of Human Unitytwo in number, and are preserved only by unusually favourableconditions. It is difficult indeed to suppose that languages withpowerful literatures spoken by millions of cultured men willallow themselves to be put into a quite secondary position, muchless snuffed out by any old or new speech of man. But it cannotbe quite certainly said that scientific reason, taking possession ofthe mind of the race and thrusting aside separative sentiment asa barbaric anachronism, may not accomplish one day even thispsychological miracle. In any case, variety of language need beno insuperable obstacle to uniformity of culture, to uniformityof education, life and organisation or to a regulating scientificmachinery applied to all departments of life and settled for thecommon good by the united will and intelligence of the humanrace. For that would be what a World-State, such as we haveimagined, would stand for, its meaning, its justification, its humanobject. It is likely indeed that this and nothing less wouldcome in the end to be regarded as the full justification of itsexistence.

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