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A League of Nations 645central and decisive forces who now actually control the worldby their will, and two others who intervened as less powerfulsubsidiary strengths, but can put in some effective claim andmaterial weight into the future balance of forces. This fact isreproduced in the constitution of the governing body; it is thesefive who by virtue of their wealth and force are to have in it a permanentvoice, the three great ones to strike the major chords anddetermine the general harmony of the concert, the two others tobring in, as best they can and when they can, minor chords andunessential variations. <strong>The</strong>n there are the great number of smallor weaker nations who have at their command minor materialeffectives and, though incapable of being principals in any verygreat conflict may be useful as minor auxiliaries, the free peoples,allies included from the beginning by right, neutrals invited toparticipate in a settled organisation of peace though they didnot throw their weight into the decision of war, enemies, oldor new, who may be admitted when they have satisfied moreor less onerous or crushing and disabling conditions. <strong>The</strong>se willmake the general assembly: some of them will have from timeto time an uncertain voice in the governing body; the rest willbe the mass, the commons, the general body who will possesssome limited amount of actual power and some kind of moralforce behind the executive. Labour too has been made by theWar a great though as yet incoherent international power, andthe League, wishing evidently to be wise in time and make termswith this formidable new fact, recognises at its side Labour in aspecial separate conference.But there are also new Asiatic peoples who cannot now beadmitted, because they are infants and unripe; there are subjectand protected nations for whom the war was not fought and whocannot share in the once hoped-for general freedom, but musttrust to the generous and unselfish liberalism of their rulers andprotectors; there are African tribes who are the yet unmanufacturedraw material of humanity. <strong>The</strong>se are to be left under the oldor put under a new control or are to be entrusted to the paternalhands of this or that governing power who will be in the legalstyle of the new dispensation, not masters and conquerors, — for

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