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<strong>The</strong> Conditions of a Free World-Union 547once again local, regional, national egoism would reconstitutefor itself fresh forms and new centres.On the other hand, in a free world-union, though originallystarting from the national basis, the national idea mightbe expected to undergo a radical transformation; it might evendisappear into a new and less strenuously compact form andidea of group-aggregation which would not be separative inspirit, yet would preserve the necessary element of independenceand variation needed by both individual and groupingfor their full satisfaction and their healthy existence. Moreover,by emphasising the psychological quite as much as the politicaland mechanical idea and basis, it would give a freer and lessartificial form and opportunity for the secure development ofthe necessary intellectual and psychological change; for suchan inner change could alone give some chance of durabilityto the unification. That change would be the growth of theliving idea or religion of humanity; for only so could there comethe psychological modification of life and feeling and outlookwhich would accustom both individual and group to live in theircommon humanity first and most, subduing their individual andgroup egoism, yet losing nothing of their individual or grouppower to develop and express in its own way the divinity inman which, once the race was assured of its material existence,would emerge as the true object of human existence.

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