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strain development effectiveness. Africa has made appreciable progressin this area and the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)is an eloquent testimony to Africa’s commitment to strengthen andimprove governance. ECA is honoured to be a strategic partner inthe implementation of the mechanism and will continue to renderits contribution in this regard.Let me turn now to trade, another area in which there was particularfocus and where Africa’s concerns resonated in the global arena. Althoughthe Doha Round negotiations did not go as well as expected,some modest gains were made. The challenge will be to secure thosegains and build on them as Africa seeks its rightful share of trade andleveling of the playing field. Let me in this regard acknowledge thesolid work that the AU Commission has done in facilitating the buildingof common positions by African countries in global, regional andbilateral negotiations. I believe that with continued capacity supportfrom ECA, ADB and UNDP, AU’s role as the coordinator of Africa’spositions on trade issues in multilateral trade negotiations will bestrengthened.The main features of interest to Africa of the consensus that emergedfrom Hong Kong relate to the following:On agriculture, an agreement was reached to end farm subsidies bythe end of 2013, instead of by 2010, as proposed by African countries.On cotton, it was agreed that there will be an end to export subsidiesby 2006 and that there will be duty and quota free access forcotton exports from least developed countries (LDCs) into developedcountry markets as from the beginning of the implementation periodfor the Doha agreements. However, on domestic support, which isthe most important issue in the cotton debate, there was no specificcommitment. Clearly, the modalities phase of the negotiations will becritical in determining who gains or loses from the Doha agreements.It is therefore important for African countries to be prepared to maketheir concerns known and to protect their national interests.Trade is pivotal to economic growth and development. It thereforemust be given the utmost priority and should be mainstreamedacross government activity.142 Part Three

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