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These are just few practical suggestions that this meeting can deliberateon. Whatever we decide, let us be clear on the division oflabour --- in terms of geography, functions and thematic focus.The 10th RCM session is taking place at a time when significantchanges are taking place in the African Union Commission — in itsfocus, orientation, institutional arrangement and relationships. Asyou are aware, the AU Summit of July 2009, in Sirte, decided totransform the AUC into an authority and reaffirmed its decision tointegrate the NEPAD Secretariat into the structures and processesof the AUC. These significant developments and institutional transformationswill impact the way we work in support of AU and NE-PAD. This is particularly important in the context of the UN Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme which this meeting will review.This meeting should come up with clear guidance on how we canjointly implement the programme in the seven years remaining. I believethat the RCM will be an extremely useful mechanism for thispurpose.In conclusion, this 10th session of the RCM would have been anothersuccess if we are able to accomplish four simple objectives: agree onthe modalities for joint support to the RCM secretariat; bringing theRDTs closer to RCM; develop strategies for enhanced implementationof the Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme for the AU andNEPAD; and further elaborate our thinking on the establishment ofsub-regional coordination mechanisms where they do not exist.Integrating Africa265

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