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The role oflegislation and policydevelopment inensuring youthdevelopment at anational levelStrategic future leaders’public lecture and conference:23 June 2011Accra, GhanaAs you may all be aware, a week from today, the African Headsof State will be meeting in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea to deliberateon youth development under the theme “Accelerating youthempowerment for sustainable development.”The theme of this public lecture “Law making & policy development:Implications on youth and national development” is therefore verytimely and a central issue in improving the overall situation of youngpeople in Africa.There are a number of reasons why youth development should begiven priority. From an equity and human rights perspective, youngpeople constitute a significant proportion of national populationstherefore, their issues warrant being priority on public policy agendas.Secondly, the high proportion of young people is recognized as a windowof opportunity for rapid human capital development and economicgrowth. The alternative implications of passively focusing onyouth development issues are being experienced in North Africa andMiddle East with revolutions and uprisings led by young people.Africa should be deriving dividends from its very young population.African youth are full of optimism, energy and aspirations that ifIntegrating Africa303

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