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Today, it is widely acknowledged that despite some understandablebumps along the way, most African countries continue to makesteady progress with regard to improving governance structures andpromoting peace and security. The improved trend in governanceis evident from increased political accountability, decentralization ofdecision-making processes and greater involvement of citizens in thedevelopment process. It is also visible from improved macroeconomicperformance in the continent, which in turn has brought aboutmore stable economic conditions and is, in many cases, translatingto higher growth rates. It should be acknowledged nevertheless thatdespite the visible progress that has been made, there remains a lotto be done, especially as some African countries continue to facechallenges of fragility, due in some cases to ongoing conflicts and inothers to their post-conflict situations.It therefore remains important to pay particular attention to thechallenges facing fragile states. At the same time, there are alsoseveral emerging initiatives to support fragile states and it is thereforegratifying that this conference also focuses on this aspect. It isessential that we assist fragile states to take advantage of availableopportunities, as they need all the support they can get to becomecapable states.International engagement in support of fragile states will need tofocus on issues such as democratic governance, human rights, civilsociety engagement and peace-building, and strengthening the capabilityof states to fulfill their core functions. Some of the priorityfunctions include ensuring security and justice; mobilizing revenue;establishing an enabling environment for basic service delivery,strong economic performance and employment generation. Supportto these areas in a concerted and sustained manner will tremendouslyassist in transforming fragile states into capable states.A number of things should guide our collective approach to supportingfragile states. For instance, the promotion of good governancelies at the heart of ensuring peace and stability in Africa because itgives voice to previously marginalized communities and helps to ensurefair and equitable access to resources and opportunities for development.This in turn helps to build legitimacy and confidence inthe workings of the state, which minimizes the potential for conflict.Post-conflict reconstruction and development are equally importantIntegrating Africa159

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