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IntroductionAfrica has a large variety of significant special needs. Indeed,world leaders began the new Millennium by offering due recognitionto these needs in the historic Millennium Declaration in 2000.Following the lead and determination shown by the African Unionand the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), worldleaders situated these special needs at the very heart of United Nationsreforms in the Outcome Document of the 2005 World Summit.Attention to these special needs—in terms of their significance butequally, their urgency— is also at the heart of the work of ECA, as isreflected in the fact that they form the second pillar in the RepositioningPlan. It is in this regard that the Commission has been focusingon helping African nations to develop their capacities and deployknowledge in the pursuit of their development objectives.While some of the statements in this cluster could easily have fit intosome other clusters, the reality is that sometimes, an individual forumprovides the Executive Secretary with the opportunity to addressa particular subject somewhat differently.Similarly, there are audiences that he faces that afford him the opportunityto touch upon various themes in one address. In a numberof forums, he takes the opportunity to explore the interrelationshipIntegrating Africa211

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