Volume 9, Number 3 October 2010 - World Psychiatric Association

Volume 9, Number 3 October 2010 - World Psychiatric Association

Volume 9, Number 3 October 2010 - World Psychiatric Association


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的 心 理 韧 性 进 行 令 人 振 奋 的 研 究 道 路 上 。 基 因 组 学 、表 观 遗 传 学 、 脑 成 像 技 术 、 激 素 和 免 疫 测 定 技 术 对促 进 我 们 认 识 心 理 韧 性 发 展 过 程 非 常 重 要 [ 11,12]。 研 究 的 成 果 会 促 成 发 展 并 完 善 新 的 甚 至 个 体 化的 , 以 促 进 心 理 韧 性 功 能 的 干 预 措 施 对 经 历 过 重 大不 幸 和 创 伤 的 高 风 险 儿 童 及 成 人 进 行 干 预 。 为 了 充分 了 解 个 体 在 面 对 不 幸 时 是 如 何 获 得 心 理 韧 性 功 能的 , 我 们 有 责 任 针 对 心 理 韧 性 进 行 与 其 复 杂 性 相 称的 研 究 。致 谢本 文 得 到 国 家 精 神 卫 生 研 究 所 ( MH083979) 基 金 及Spunk 基 金 会 支 持 。翻 译 : 李 斌 彬参 考 文 献1. Cicchetti D. Development and psychopathology. In: Cicchetti D,Cohen DJ ( eds). Developmental psychopathology, Vol 郾 1. NewYork: Wiley, 2006 颐 1-23.2. Gunnar MR, Vazquez D. Stress neurobiology and developmental 鄄psychopathology. In: Cicchetti D, Cohen D ( eds). Developmen 鄄tal psychopathology, Vol 郾 2. New York: Wiley, 2006 颐 533-77.3. Cicchetti D, Schneider-Rosen K. An organizational approach to 鄄childhood depression. In: Rutter M, Izard C, Read P ( eds ).Depression in young people, clinical and developmental perspec 鄄tives. New York: Guilford, 1986 颐 71-134.4. Cicchetti D, Lynch M. Toward an ecological / transactionalmodel of community violence and child maltreatment: conse 鄄quences for children 蒺 s development. Psychiatry 1993; 56 颐 96-118.5. Cicchetti D, Rogosch FA. Equifinality and multifinality in develop 鄄mental psychopathology. Dev Psychopathol 1996; 8 颐 597-600.6. Ialongo N, Rogosch FA, Cicchetti D et al. A developmental psy 鄄chopathology approach to the prevention of mental health disorders.In: Cicchetti D, Cohen D ( eds). Developmental psychopatholo 鄄gy, Vol 郾 1. New York: Wiley, 2006 颐 968-1018.7. Luthar SS. Resilience in development: a synthesis of researchacross five decades. In: Cicchetti D, Cohen D (eds). Develop 鄄mental psychopathology, Vol 郾 3. New York: Wiley, 2006 颐 739-95.8. Luthar SS, Cicchetti D, Becker B. The construct of resilience:a critical evaluation and guidelines for future work. Child Dev2000; 71 颐 543-62.9. Masten AS, Best K, Garmezy N. Resilience and development:contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity.Dev Psychopathol 1990; 2 颐 425-44.10. Charney D. Psychobiological mechanisms of resilience and vulnera 鄄bility: implications for successful adaptation to extreme stress.Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161 颐 195-216.11. Curtis WJ, Cicchetti D. Moving research on resilience into the21st century: theoretical and methodological considerations in ex 鄄amining the biological contributors to resilience. Dev Psycho 鄄pathol 2003; 15 颐 773-810.12. Masten AS. Resilience in developing systems: progress and prom 鄄ise as the fourth wave rises. Dev Psychopathol 2007; 19 颐 921-30.13. Egeland B, Carlson EA, Sroufe LA. Resilience as process. DevPsychopathol 1993; 5 颐 517-28.14. Masten AS. Ordinary magic: resilience processes in development.Am Psychol 2001; 56 颐 227-38.15. Cicchetti D, Garmezy N. Milestones in the development of resili 鄄ence. Dev Psychopathol 1993; 5 颐 497-774.16. Garmezy N. Vulnerability research and the issue of primary preven 鄄tion. Am J Orthopsychiatry 1971; 41 颐 101-16.17. Werner E, Smith R. Vulnerable but invincible: a study of resili 鄄ent children. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.18. Werner E, Smith R. Overcoming the odds: high - risk childrenfrom birth to adulthood. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992.19. Garmezy N, Streitman S. Children at risk: conceptual models andresearch methods. Schizophr Bull 1974; 9 颐 55-125.20. Rutter M. Resilience in the face of adversity: protective factorsand resistance to psychiatric disorder. Br J Psychiatry 1985; 128颐 493- 509.21. Garmezy N, Rutter M. Stress, coping and development in chil 鄄dren. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.22. Pavenstedt E. A comparison of the childrearing environment of up 鄄per- lower and very low class families. Am J Orthopsychiatry1965; 35 颐 89-98.23. Zigler E, Glick M. A developmental approach to adult psychopa 鄄thology. New York: Wiley, 1986.24. Garmezy N. The study of competence in children at risk forsevere psychopathology. In: Anthony EJ, Koupernik C ( eds).The child in his family: children at psychiatric risk, Vol 郾 3.New York: Wiley, 1974 颐 77-97.25. Masten AS, Garmezy N. Risk, vulnerability, and protective fac 鄄tors in developmental psychopathology. In: Lahey B, Kazdin A( eds ). Advances in clinical child psychology, Vol 郾 8. NewYork: Plenum, 1985 颐 1-52.26. Cicchetti D, Rogosch FA, Toth SL. Fostering secure attachmentin infants in maltreating families through preventive interventions.Dev Psychopathol 2006; 18 颐 623-50.27. Luthar SS, Cicchetti D. The construct of resilience: implicationsfor intervention and social policy. Dev Psychopathol 2000; 12 颐857-85.28. Toth SL, Rogosch FA, Manly JT, Cicchetti D. The efficacy oftoddler - parent psychotherapy to reorganize attachment in the摇 152世 界 精 神 病 学 9: 3-<strong>2010</strong> 年 10 月

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