enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

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Enhancing Food Security <strong>and</strong> Physical Activity <strong>for</strong> Māori, Pacific <strong>and</strong> Low-income PeoplesThe same in<strong>for</strong>mant considered that reducing <strong>food</strong> wastage would be very feasible ifpresented to industry as win-win situation. Once a system was in place that was costeffective,it would be sustainable because of ongoing benefits to industry. It would belikely to have a positive effect on equity if <strong>food</strong> that was fit <strong>for</strong> consumption was sold at alower price. A potential side effect of donating <strong>food</strong> to community groups was that itcould create dependency; but it could also be used as a hook to involve people in acommunity programme to improve their <strong>food</strong> skills, <strong>and</strong> engage them in communityservices. Acceptability to stakeholders would depend on how the initiative waspresented.Community-based <strong>food</strong> initiativesAnother Australian in<strong>for</strong>mant saw opportunities <strong>for</strong> industry bodies to fund communityactivities that make low cost <strong>food</strong> more available, rather than focusing on reducing thecost of their healthy products. In Australia, the Woolworths supermarket chain hasreportedly provided community funding <strong>for</strong> projects such as <strong>food</strong> gardens. These werevery feasible as they were usually quite well marketed, but sustainability wasquestionable given that the funding was one-off <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> a limited timeframe. The effecton equity was likely to be positive given that selection criteria favoured disadvantagedcommunities. Potential side-effects were seen as creating capacity in a communitywhere it did not exist previously, but there was also seen to be a risk of the fundingcausing “power issues in the community”. The initiative appeared to be well accepted bystakeholders.Self regulatory approachesIt was reported that the Ministry of Health is currently working with industry in a selfregulatoryenvironment, developing joint initiatives to improve the nutrition environment.This work was being done on multiple levels to have an impact on <strong>food</strong> available <strong>for</strong>Māori, Pacific <strong>and</strong> low-income people. “Our view is that the whole environment needs tochange, not just what is available on the shelves, <strong>and</strong> includes making people moreaware of what is available”. The main self-regulation approaches are around1) re<strong>for</strong>mulation (making low cost <strong>food</strong>s more nutritious, eg, the Heart Foundationindustry partnership to reduce salt in bread); 2) marketing <strong>and</strong> communication(rebalancing the proportion of advertising <strong>for</strong> less nutritious versus more nutritious <strong>food</strong>);<strong>and</strong> 3) retail (covering supermarkets to <strong>food</strong> service outlets).Research <strong>and</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation needsGaps in in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>and</strong> the need <strong>for</strong> further research in these areas were identified byin<strong>for</strong>mants. Most particularly, there is a need to better underst<strong>and</strong> the influences on thecost of <strong>food</strong> so that effective intervention can occur.In summary, all key in<strong>for</strong>mants considered influencing the pricing of healthy, nutritious<strong>food</strong> to be a complex <strong>and</strong> difficult area. Nevertheless, a range of potential interventionswere mentioned where key in<strong>for</strong>mants saw a key role <strong>for</strong> industry.DiscussionThe literature review took a broad approach to considering the role of the <strong>food</strong> industryin reducing the cost of healthy <strong>food</strong> in order to improve <strong>food</strong> <strong>security</strong>. It examinedinterventions of price <strong>and</strong> improving the healthiness of the <strong>food</strong> supply at upstream,midstream, <strong>and</strong> downstream levels. Key in<strong>for</strong>mant interviews supplemented findings120

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