enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

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Enhancing Food Security <strong>and</strong> Physical Activity <strong>for</strong> Māori, Pacific <strong>and</strong> Low-income Peoples5. Turrell G, Kavanagh AM. Socio-economic pathways to diet: modelling the assocationbetween socio-economic position <strong>and</strong> <strong>food</strong> purchasing behaviour. Public HealthNutrition 2006;9(3):375-383.6. Monsivais P, Drewnowski A. The Rising Cost of Low-Energy-Density Foods. Journalof the American Dietetic Association 2007;107(12):2071-2076.7. Putnam J, Allshouse J, LS K. US Per capita <strong>food</strong> supply trends: more calories, refinedcarbohydrates, <strong>and</strong> fats. Food Review 2003;25:2-15.8. Statistics New Zeal<strong>and</strong>. Hot off the Press: Household Economic Survey Year Ended30 June 2007. Wellington: Statistics New Zeal<strong>and</strong>, 2007.9. Statistics New Zeal<strong>and</strong>. Food Price Index: January 2009. Hot Off the Press.Wellington: Statistics New Zeal<strong>and</strong>, 12 February 2009.10. Reserve Bank of New Zeal<strong>and</strong>. A3 Incomes <strong>and</strong> prices: Available from:http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/statistics/econind/a3/data.html?sheet=2. Accessed 19February 2009, February 2009.11. East <strong>and</strong> Bays Courier. Struggling families pressure <strong>food</strong>bank: Available from:http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckl<strong>and</strong>/local-news/1758666/Struggling-families-pressure<strong>food</strong>bank.Accessed March 2009, 3 March 2009.12. Taranaki Daily News. More people need <strong>food</strong> bank help as prices stay high:Available from: http://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/751486.Accessed Mach 2009, 2008.13. Ni Mhurchu C, Ogra S. The price of healthy eating: cost <strong>and</strong> nutrient value ofselected regular <strong>and</strong> healthier supermarket <strong>food</strong>s in New Zeal<strong>and</strong>. The NewZeal<strong>and</strong>MedicalJournal 2007;120(1248):http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/120-1248/2388/.14. Food Industry Accord. The Health of our Nation: the New Zeal<strong>and</strong> Food IndustryAccord: Available from: http://www.fig.org.nz/downloads.php. Accessed 19February 2009.15. World Health Organization. Global strategy on diet, <strong>physical</strong> <strong>activity</strong> <strong>and</strong> health. FiftyseventhWorld Health Assembly: World Health Organization, 2004:WHA57.17.16. Barling D. Food supply chain governance <strong>and</strong> public health externalities: upstreampolicy interventions <strong>and</strong> the UK State. Journal of Agricultural <strong>and</strong> EnvironmentalEthics 2007;20:285-300.17. Hawkes C. Promoting healthy diets <strong>and</strong> tackling obesity <strong>and</strong> diet-related chronicdisease: what are the agricultural policy levers? Food <strong>and</strong> Nutrition Bulletin June2007;28(2 Suppl):S312-22.18. Smith M, Signal L. Global influences on milk purchasing in New Zeal<strong>and</strong> -implications <strong>for</strong> health <strong>and</strong> inequalities. Globalization <strong>and</strong>Health;5(1):doi:10.1186/1744-8603-5-1.19. Traill WB, Arnoult MHP, Chambers SA, Deaville ER, Gordon MH, John P, et al. Thepotential <strong>for</strong> competitive <strong>and</strong> healthy <strong>food</strong> chains of benefit to the countryside.Trends in Food Science <strong>and</strong> Technology 2008;19(5):248-254.20. Givens DI. Session 4: Challenges facing the <strong>food</strong> industry in innovating <strong>for</strong> healthImpact on CVD risk of modifying milk fat to decrease intake of SFA <strong>and</strong> increaseintake of cis-MUFA. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2008;67(4):419-427.21. Golan E, Unnevehr L. Food product composition, consumer health, <strong>and</strong> public policy:Introduction <strong>and</strong> overview of special section. Food Policy 2008;33(6):465-469.22. Plant & Food Research. New potato technology saves growers thous<strong>and</strong>s of dollars:Available from: http://www.plant<strong>and</strong><strong>food</strong>.com/news/new-potato-technologysaves-growers-thous<strong>and</strong>s-of-dollars.php.Accessed 26 March 2009, 2009.124

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