enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

enhancing food security and physical activity for maori, pacific and ...

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Enhancing Food Security <strong>and</strong> Physical Activity <strong>for</strong> Māori, Pacific <strong>and</strong> Low-income Peoples8.2.3 Physical ActivityImproving urban designEnhancing open space <strong>and</strong> connectivityInterventions Actors Timeframe*New research should be targeted at exploring the influence of the built Research funders, Ministry Immediateenvironment on <strong>physical</strong> <strong>activity</strong> <strong>and</strong> related health outcomes, with a particular of Health, SPARCemphasis on the three target communities.Ensure that the ongoing process of developing a National Policy Statement onUrban Design incorporates an evaluation of the health implications of itsrecommendations, <strong>and</strong> specifically targets the improvement of <strong>physical</strong> <strong>activity</strong>in Māori, Pacific <strong>and</strong> low income communities.Keep a watching brief to ensure that any local government re<strong>for</strong>ms maintain afocus on wellbeing that includes actions to enhance <strong>physical</strong> <strong>activity</strong>.Ministry <strong>for</strong> the Environment,Ministry of Health, SPARCMinistry of Health, SPARCImmediateImmediateCulturally specific <strong>physical</strong> <strong>activity</strong> programmesDeveloping capacityInterventions Actors TimeframeWhere strategic development of capacity building <strong>for</strong> culturally-specific <strong>physical</strong> Ministry of Health <strong>and</strong> Immediate<strong>activity</strong> programmes should be located within government is identified <strong>and</strong> SPARC to lead identificationadequately funded.processFunding <strong>for</strong> culturally-specific <strong>physical</strong> <strong>activity</strong> programmes explicitly includes Contracting bodiesImmediatestated capacity development elements, with subsequent evaluation.To ring-fence a proportion of funding of <strong>physical</strong> <strong>activity</strong> programmes delivered Contracting bodiesImmediatein community settings <strong>for</strong> capacity building.Existing culturally-specific <strong>physical</strong> <strong>activity</strong> programmes are evaluated <strong>for</strong> Contracting bodiesImmediatecapacity development.219

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