Contents - UPRM

Contents - UPRM

Contents - UPRM


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Undergraduate Bulletin of Information 2001-2002COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCESSPAN 4996. SPECIAL TOPICS II. One tothree credit hours. One to three hours of lectureper week. Prerequisite: consent of the Directorof the Department.Specific aspects of language or literature notcovered in the offerings of the Department. Newresearch areas will be included.ADVANCED UNDERGRADUATEAND GRADUATE COURSESSPAN 5005. POETIC GENERATION OF 1927.Three credit hours. Three hours of lecture perweek. Prerequisite: SPAN 3212.A critical and stylistic study of the PoeticGeneration of 1927, considering the influence ofearlier Spanish writers, and the impact ofEuropean "isms".DEPARTMENT OFHUMANITIESThe Department of Humanities became aseparate department in 1968 upon the division ofthe former Department of English andHumanities. The first degree offered by theDepartment was the Bachelor ofArts in Comparative Literature. Since 1971, ithas also offered degrees in the areas of: PlasticArts, Theory of Art, Philosophy, and FrenchLanguage and Literature. In addition to thecourses related to these areas, the Departmentregularly offers courses in: Asian culture,Biblical studies, Classical languages andliteratures, German, Italian, Latin-Americanculture, Music, and Theatre, as well as a twosemestersurvey course in Humanities, which is arequirement for many of the students in theUniversity.Among the facilities of the Department are an artgallery, a specialized library and study room forour majors, computer center, a theatre workshopand an interdisciplinary research center forpractical and professional ethics and thephilosophy of science and technology. TheUniversity is in the process of funding new andexpanded art facilities.The mission of the Humanities Department mustbe understood in the context of the overallmission of the University of Puerto Rico atMayagüez. The Department teaches our studentsto appreciate human culture and diversity, and tovalue true knowledge. The Department ofHumanities promotes research among its faculty,and is a key instrument in the development ofeducational offerings and cultural activitiesconducive to the intellectual, aesthetic and moralformation of well-rounded human beings.The Department is especially interested inadvancing studies in the fields of philosophy, thefine arts, literature and languages. ThisDepartment understands that the knowledge andawareness brought by the study and appreciationof the liberal arts can only provide a betterunderstanding and appreciation of ourselves andour society. It pays special attention to theformation of its cadre of majors --future artists,intellectuals, creative leaders in variousprofessions, teachers, professors, researchers--but it also looks upon itself as responsible forproviding the higher education offerings andservices by which our citizenry in general mayavail itself of what is most important andenriching in our cultural heritage.BACHELOR OF ARTS INCOMPARATIVE LITERATURESUMMARY OF CREDITS INPROGRAMFaculty requirements 56Departmental requirementsMajor area 38Non-major area 18Recommended electives 12Free electives 12Total 136FIRST YEARFirst SemesterHUMA 3111Intro. to Western Culture I 3ITAL, FREN or GERMModern Language(First year course) 3*ENGL 3---First year course in English 3*SPAN 3101Basic Course in Spanish 3*MATH 3171Pre-Calculus I 3150

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