ASA JOURNAL Vol.2 | 2018

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opment of Shophouse facades in the Andaman Sea-Malay<br />

of Asian-European architecture style; 3)1932-1956 - after the<br />

As previously stated, literature review is beneficial for<br />

As demonstrated in Figure 8, the evolution can be<br />

Peninsula port towns?<br />

Siamese revolution along with the arrival of Modern architecture<br />

the study of shophouse styles in Kantang district because it<br />

categorised into three major styles which are: Localized style;<br />

Method<br />

and reinforced concrete construction and geometric elements<br />

applied to shophouses; and 4) after 1956.<br />

has historical significance with Tuntieng where it has been the<br />

capital of Trang from 1915 to the present time. It plays a role<br />

Eclectic style; and Modern style. Localized style consists of<br />

having diversity of front facades. Shophouses in each port<br />

This research is conducted based on literature review<br />

as a hub where merchandise is distributed to nearby areas and<br />

towns look different but they share a mutual appearance of<br />

and site surveys in order to gain insights into the physical<br />

It can be seen that shophouse evolution was divided<br />

other regions. This distribution continued from Kantang port<br />

gable roofs. Their structure and materials contain two parts:<br />

characteristics and styles of the areas. The information is<br />

by periods of time related to history. However this study<br />

which was the old central area from 1893 to 1915.<br />

1) major construction (columns and bearing walls) using<br />

gathered by observation, photography and interview, and then<br />

particularly focuses on the front facade of the shophouse. This<br />

concrete and masonry; and 2) minor construction using tim-<br />

analyzed by qualitative methods.<br />

research led to further study of Pattanapol Sittichoke and<br />

With the process of collecting data on site along with<br />

ber for wall decorative features. In general, little decoration<br />

Kreangkrai Kirdsiri who are “insiders” in this area. Their study<br />

the analysis of front facades of shophouses in Kantan, shop-<br />

was applied in shophouses. Upper façade patterns were found<br />

The procedure of collecting survey data on site started<br />

“Diversity of Shophouse Façade in Old Town Phuket” provided<br />

house development can be summarized as follows: (See Figure : 6)<br />

to be three types: 1) continuous wooden or brick wall under<br />

with maps from satellite imagery to make a rapid survey by<br />

2 major parts of content which are old town history and<br />

windows with air-vents above the span; 2) Masonry brick walls<br />

photography and observation in order to gather architectural<br />

architecture patterns. They studied through the diverse culture<br />

For shophouses in Takuapa (Phangnga province), no<br />

without decorative ornaments; and 3) vertical and horizontal<br />

characteristics of shophouses. The next process is selecting<br />

of the local people together with a variety of shophouse front<br />

previous study has investigated their architectural aspects.<br />

slat walls. Window and air-vents have three styles: 1) contin-<br />

shophouses with different front facades to be case studies and<br />

facades. The research reported that shophouse facades can be<br />

There was only a historical study on shophouses and urban<br />

uous row of double timber paneled windows with parallel<br />

then followed by their measurement. Later on, shophouse that<br />

categorised into 6 types: “Local Style Type I”; “Local Style Type<br />

conditions in the past. It is found in the memoir of King Va-<br />

air-vents above the full width of span; 2) double-leaf wooden<br />

were representative of various architectural characteristics of<br />

II”; “Eclectic Style Type I”; “Eclectic Style Type II”; Early<br />

jiravudh (King Rama VI) when he was a crown prince in 1909,<br />

casement windows; and 3) full-length wooden paneled win-<br />

shophouses were chosen. Finally, appointments were made<br />

Modern Style”; and “Modern Style”. Therefore, the study of<br />

when he stated that “…from Phraya Takua Pa residence to the<br />

dows horizontally separated into two sections, with timber<br />

with the owners of the selected case studies to ask for permis-<br />

Pattanapol and Kreangkrai will be used as a guide in some<br />

market, there are Chinese shophouses along both sides of<br />

railing at the bottom part and louvered wooden grill above.<br />

sion to work on their measurement and interview.<br />

parts of this paper.<br />

street. These buildings are somewhat dilapidated. Passing<br />

There are three types of doors and air-vents: 1) folding timber<br />

through the market, there are houses along the way up to the<br />

doors with air-vent above along the span; 2) one main dou-<br />

Results<br />

With regard to the architectural study of shophouses<br />

in the Kantang district in Trang province, only similar research<br />

hill where the pavilion was set ... this large market seems more<br />

like a old city than a new city where I had a look last night. In<br />

ble-leaf wooden door flanked by two wooden windows; and<br />

3) double-leaf wooden door with double-leaf wooden window.<br />

From literature reviews of the architectural study of<br />

was found in the Tub Tieng or current Trang capital district.<br />

this place, there are more buildings and people. The new town’s<br />

The covered walkway along the road has two kinds: 1) Five<br />

shophouses in port towns in Thai Andaman Sea, it was found<br />

Those studies are “Cultural Heritage Atlas of Tub-Tieng” by<br />

characteristic is suitable with its name “Takua Pa” as it is full<br />

foot-way; and 2) a slab jutting out over the pavement support-<br />

that a previous research of Thalang (Phuket) entitled “Complete<br />

Environment Resource Plan and Policy Center (2005) and<br />

of lead (tin) all over the island. And the forest can be seen<br />

ed by pillars or bracing.<br />

Report: Feasibility Study of Improving Old Town in Some<br />

“The Study of Shophouse Development in Tubtieng Old Town,<br />

more than house.” (King Vajiravudh, 1963: 62-64). The state-<br />

Streets for Beautiful Environment” (Faculty of Architecture,<br />

Trang Province” by Pat Wongpradit (2014, 366-371). It was<br />

ment showed that Takua Pa was a developed town and shop-<br />

The second style is Eclectic Style which can be divided<br />

King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 1997)<br />

studied in the context related to “evaluation” which also related<br />

houses along the roads were built with Chinese influence as<br />

into three phases: 1st Eclectic Style, 2nd Eclectic Style and 3rd<br />

was made. It proposed old town renovation and explained<br />

to architectural styles of shophouses. In relation to historical<br />

shown in their front facades. Furthermore, shophouses in the<br />

Eclectic Style. The common characteristic of the roof style was<br />

historical point of view such as the fundamental structure,<br />

development, shophouse development can be classified into<br />

late period of King Chulalongkorn (King Rama V) were some-<br />

mainly gable roof. In the 2nd Eclectic Style and 3rd Eclectic<br />

socio-economic and environmental aspects. The study also<br />

5 phases: “Chinese Style Type I”; “Chinese Style Type II”;<br />

what dilapidated. This information was found in the document<br />

Style, decoration can be seen in the roof ridge made of baked<br />

provided drawings of some buildings in the area which made<br />

“Neo-classical Chinese-European”; “Contemporary European”;<br />

written by Prince Damrong Rajanubhab (1963:62-64) that<br />

clay shingles and Chinese glazed tiles. Parapet walls can be<br />

it one of the most elaborate architectural studies (Faculty of<br />

and “Modern European”. Nevertheless, there was a further<br />

described Takua Pa as one of the four taxation districts in the<br />

seen in the structure in the early age of Eclectic Style. Major<br />

Architecture, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang,<br />

study in the form of a completed thesis and then continuing<br />

west. Yet Phraya Senanuchit (Nut), the governor of Takuapa<br />

structure is constructed by columns and load bearing mason-<br />

1997). However it presented only architectural development<br />

in the paper titled “Contexts Affecting Architectural Form of<br />

was a noble who was not proficient in trading. Consequently<br />

ry walls whereas minor part is wooden structure. In the mid-<br />

of Chinese style, Neo Classic style, Art Deco style and Modern<br />

Shophouse and its Development, Historic Urban Landscapes<br />

the economic development of Takua Pa was not as prosperous<br />

dle period, the entire structure is made by columns and<br />

style.<br />

of Tub Tiang, Trang Province” (Pat and Kreangkrai, 2015:205-<br />

as that of Thalang.<br />

bearing walls. In the last period of the Eclectic Style, construc-<br />

Apart from this, in his study “Architecture in Old Town<br />

222). The paper adopted a way to categorise the shophouse<br />

tion technology was developed therefore the structure is made<br />

Phuket”, Yongtanit Pimonsathean (2009:14) classified shop-<br />

evolution according to the contexts of historical, social and<br />

The process of collecting data on sites along with the<br />

of reinforced concrete. The upper facade in the beginning<br />

house characteristics into 4 main eras: 1) 1868-1900<br />

cultural environment in each period of time. It argued that<br />

analysis of the front facade of shophouses in Takuapa, shop-<br />

consists of long wall below continuous windows and air-vents<br />

- the beginning of urban development which the<br />

shophouse styles are: “Localization Style Step 1”; “Localization<br />

house development can be organized as follows: (See Figure : 7)<br />

above along the bay. The wall in the bottom part of the face is<br />

architecture style followed Chinese culture as Chinese population<br />

Style Step 2”; “Eclectic Style”; “Localization Style Step 3”; “Art<br />

either timber or masonry wall decorated with Chinese glazed<br />

came; 2)1901-1931<br />

Deco Style”; “Early Modernism Style”; and “Modern and Post<br />

The shophouse façade evolution in the Andaman<br />

ceramic tiles. In the middle phase, the facade is usually paint-<br />

- when the tin industry grew together with British<br />

Modern”.<br />

Sea-Malay Peninsula port towns: (See Figure : 8)<br />

ed masonry walls and later the wall is ornamented with dec-<br />

colonization of Penang and Singapore which led to popularization<br />

orative bas-reliefs towards the last stage of Eclectic Style.<br />

56 57<br />

วารสารสถาปัตยกรรมของสมาคมสถาปนิกสยาม<br />

ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ Issue 02 / <strong>2018</strong><br />

Academic Journal of The Association of Siamese Architects<br />

under the Royal Patronage<br />

วารสารสถาปัตยกรรมของสมาคมสถาปนิกสยาม<br />

ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ Issue 02 / <strong>2018</strong><br />

Academic Journal of The Association of Siamese Architects<br />

under the Royal Patronage

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