Adventurer's Vault.pdf

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Adventurer's Vault.pdf


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Pearl Sea Horse Level 9<br />

This figurine depicts an iridescent sea horse wearing a saddle.<br />

Wondrous Item 4,200 gp<br />

Power (Daily ✦ Conjuration): Standard Action. Use this<br />

figurine to conjure a Large majestic sea horse (see below<br />

for statistics). There must be a body of water adjacent<br />

to you for the sea horse to appear in; otherwise, the<br />

figurine cannot be activated. As a free action, you can<br />

spend a healing surge when activating this item to give<br />

the creature temporary hit points equal to your healing<br />

surge value.<br />

While riding the sea horse, you breathe water as if it<br />

were air and can speak normally underwater.<br />

The sea horse can carry one Medium or Small character<br />

weighing no more than 300 pounds. If more than 300<br />

pounds are placed on it, the creature disappears and<br />

cannot be conjured again until after an extended rest.<br />

Pearl Sea Horse<br />

Large natural animate (aquatic, mount)<br />

Initiative as conjurer Senses Perception +4<br />

HP 14; Bloodied 7<br />

AC 17; Fortitude 17, Refl ex 15, Will 13<br />

Speed swim 10<br />

M Tail Slap (standard; at-will)<br />

Reach 2; +10 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4 damage.<br />

Aquatic Charge (while mounted by a friendly rider of 9th level<br />

or higher; at-will) ✦ Mount<br />

The sea horse’s rider deals an extra 1d10 damage when he or<br />

she attacks after the sea horse charges. While in water, the<br />

rider also gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against creatures<br />

without a swim speed..<br />

Waterborn<br />

While in water, the sea horse gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls<br />

against creatures without a swim speed.<br />

Alignment Unaligned Languages —<br />

Str 18 (+8) Dex 15 (+6) Wis 10 (+4)<br />

Con 20 (+9) Int 2 (+0) Cha 9 (+3)<br />

Bag of Tricks<br />

These small leather bags come in a variety of colors,<br />

gray being the most common. You can use a bag of<br />

tricks to conjure an obedient beast. You must spend<br />

a healing surge to activate the bag’s power, and you<br />

gain no other benefit for spending the healing surge.<br />

When you use a bag of tricks to conjure a creature,<br />

it appears in an unoccupied space within 5 squares<br />

of you; the space must be large enough to contain<br />

the creature without squeezing. The creature obeys<br />

only you, responding to commands spoken in any<br />

language. The creature remains until the end of the<br />

encounter or for 5 minutes. The conjured creature<br />

acts on the same initiative count as you. Every action<br />

it takes costs you a minor action (which you use to<br />

issue commands), and a conjured creature cannot<br />

exceed its normal allotment of actions (a standard,<br />

a move, and a minor action) during its turn. If you<br />

spend no minor actions on your turn to command<br />

the creature, it remains where it is without taking any<br />

actions on its turn.<br />

A conjured creature is a minion (MM 282). It<br />

has no healing surges and cannot be healed, and it<br />

cannot gain temporary hit points. When reduced to 0<br />

hit points or fewer, the conjured creature disappears.<br />

If an object is placed in the bag of tricks, the bag<br />

ceases to function until the object is removed. A bag of<br />

tricks used for simple storage holds up to 3 pounds.<br />


Lvl Name Price (gp)<br />

8 Bag of tricks, gray 3,400<br />

18 Bag of tricks, rust 85,000<br />

28 Bag of tricks, vermilion 2,125,000<br />

Bag of Tricks, Gray Level 8<br />

This simple, leather bag produces feral critters that you can send<br />

against your enemies.<br />

Wondrous Item 3,400 gp<br />

Power (Daily ✦ Conjuration): Standard Action. Use this<br />

bag to conjure a Tiny minion (see below for statistics).<br />

Roll a d8 to determine which beast is produced and<br />

modify its statistics accordingly:<br />

1: Bat; this creature also has a fly speed of 6.<br />

2: Rat; this creature also has darkvision.<br />

3: Cat; this creature also knocks the target prone on a hit.<br />

4: Weasel; this creature does not provoke opportunity<br />

attacks for moving.<br />

5: Snake; this creature also deals 2 poison damage on a<br />

hit.<br />

6: Badger; this creature gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls.<br />

7: Spider; this creature also has a climb speed of 6.<br />

8: Scorpion; this creature deals ongoing 1 poison damage<br />

(save ends) on a hit.<br />

CHAPTER 2 | Magic Items<br />



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