Cranford Review 2021

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year. It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students. Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year.
It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students.
Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com


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Careers Education

through Lockdown


a time of extreme uncertainty in

the labour market, the Cranford

students’ hunger and enthusiasm for opportunities has been

astonishing. Careers information, guidance and support has

transformed to meet the needs of our students. Rather than

delivering blanket guidance, we have recognised the need

to deliver individually tailored guidance and support. From

1-2-1 phone calls, virtual assemblies and meetings with

students I know how ambitious our students are to apply for

so many diverse opportunities. There has been an increased

interest in recent years in technical and vocational education.

There is a massive need to prepare our young students to

meet the current and future needs of the labour market. As

employability skills have developed, a significant number

of our Year 11 and Year 13 students have managed to secure

apprenticeships. Having secured these places before results

day proves that our students are confident in starting their

journey into the world of work. Cranford, together with

other local schools was involved in the first virtual careers

fair. This was organised by the careers professionals in the

borough and designed to meet the needs of our young people.

It was great to see Cranford alumni taking part noting the

important contribution that former students make. This is

evident in the contribution they made towards the fair. These

included Karishma Lall, Devyani Geentilal and Amrita Tarall

who all held webinars at the virtual fair to give our students

their top tips and the ‘insider view’ from the world of work.

The number of virtual opportunities companies are offering

has catapulted. There are a vast number of organisations who

are offering initiatives and experience to young people through

their corporate responsibility schemes. It has been beneficial

to engage with these companies and discover all the amazing

things on offer. It was particularly exciting embarking on our

T Level journey, especially with the industry placements.

Having spoken to a magnitude of companies, I have been

awe struck by the number of organisations that want to offer

these young people some work experience. Our current T

Level industry placement partners have demonstrated their

amazing values and commitment to students. I have been

stunned by Ajar Technology, Berkeley Pre-School and

St Mary’s University from the beginning of this journey.

This portfolio of partners is growing quickly. We are in

exciting discussions with a few international companies at

the moment. It has been great to be bold, passionate and

enthusiastic in grasping any opportunity to develop, learn

and grow. With so many positive outcomes from this year,

next year’s careers information, guidance and support will be

even more dynamic in meeting the needs of students.


Mahavir Ladva

(Exams Officer and Careers Co-ordinator)

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