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“Oh,” Sophie whispered. Josh tried to stand in front of his sister to

protect her, but she pushed him out of the way. Although she loved her

brother, there were times when he could be too protective.

“Don’t believe everything you’ve read about my race,” Scathach said,

moving around the room, peering through the windows into the lush gardens.

An enormous yellow-white butterfly fluttered past the opening. It was the

size of a dinner plate and had not existed on the earth since the Jurassic

period. “Hekate created and maintains this place by an extraordinary use of

magic,” she continued. “But magic, like everything else, follows certain

natural laws. Magic needs energy, and it takes that energy wherever it can

find it, even from the tiny batteries in your electrical toys. If no other source

of energy is available, it will take the life force of the magician who created

it. That is why every use of magic weakens the magician.”

“Are you saying nothing electrical works in this Shadowrealm?” Sophie

wondered aloud, and then she shook her head quickly. “But Hekate used a

phone. I saw her showing it to Flamel earlier. Why doesn’t its battery drain?”

“Hekate is immensely powerful and is more or less immune to the

effects of the magic she generates. I would imagine that she keeps the phone

on her person so it doesn’t drain, or possibly she keeps it in the real world

with a servant. Many members of the Elder Race have human servants.”

“Like Flamel and Dee?” Sophie asked.

“Nicholas serves no Elder,” Scathach said slowly. “The Book is his

master. Dee, on the other hand…well, no one knows exactly who, or what, he

serves.” She glanced over her shoulder, her gaze lingering on each of them.

“You’ll probably find yourself feeling exhausted in about an hour, muscles

sore, maybe even a little headachy. That’s the magical field feeding off your

auras. Don’t be too concerned, however: your particular auras are

exceptionally strong. Just drink plenty of liquids.” Scatty moved from

window to window and leaned forward, peering out. “I know they are out

there, but I cannot see them,” she said suddenly.

“Who?” Sophie wondered.

“The Torc Allta.”

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