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Perenelle Flamel sat in a corner of the tiny windowless room and drew

her knees up to her chest, then wrapped her arms around her shins. She rested

her chin on her knees. She could hear voices—angry, bitter voices.

Perry concentrated on the sound. She allowed her aura to expand a little

as she murmured a small spell she had learned from an Inuit shaman. The

shaman used it to listen to the fish moving under the arctic ice sheets and the

bears crunching across the distant ice fields. The simple spell worked by

shutting down all other senses and concentrating exclusively on hearing.

Perry watched as the color faded from her surroundings and darkness closed

in until she went blind. She gradually lost her sense of smell and felt the

pins-and-needles tingle in her fingertips and toes as her sense of touch

dulled, then faded completely. She knew that if there were anything in her

mouth, she would no longer be able to taste it. Only her hearing remained, but

it was enhanced and supersensitive. She heard beetles crawling in the walls

behind her, heard the scritch-scratch as a mouse gnawed through wood

somewhere above her, knew that a colony of termites was munching their

way through distant floorboards. She also heard two voices, high and thin, as

if they were being picked up on a badly tuned radio, and coming from a great

distance. Perry tilted her head, homing in on the sound. She heard wind

whistling, the flap of clothing, the high crying of birds. She could tell that the

voices she was hearing were coming from the roof of the building. They

strengthened, warbled and bubbled, and then abruptly clarified: they

belonged to Dee and the Morrigan, and Perry could clearly hear the fear in

the gray man’s voice and the rage in the Crow Goddess’s shrill cries.

“She must pay for this! She must!”

“She is an Elder. Untouchable by the likes of you and me,” Dee said,

trying unsuccessfully to calm the Morrigan.

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