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and then breathed out in a long, slow exhalation. A face formed in the white

mist: that of Jefferson Miller.

Perenelle frowned; his ghost should be long gone by now. Unless…

unless he had come back to tell her something.


Instantly, she knew her husband was in danger. Perenelle breathed in

another great lungful of air and held it. She concentrated hard on Nicholas,

seeing him clearly in her mind’s eye, with his narrow, rather mournfullooking

face, pale eyes and closely cropped hair. She smiled, remembering

him when he’d been younger and his hair, thick and dark, had been longer

than hers. He’d always worn it tied back at the nape of his neck with a purple

velvet ribbon. She breathed out and the air turned into a white cloud that

instantly formed into Jefferson Miller’s face again. Perenelle stared into the

ghost’s eyes, and there, reflected in his pupils, she could see her husband

trapped beneath the paw of the cat-headed goddess.

Rage and terror blossomed within her, and suddenly, her headache and

exhaustion left her. Her silver-threaded black hair rose from her head as if

blown in a strong breeze, sparks of blue and white static snapping along its

length. Her ice-white aura flared around her body like a second skin. Too

late the guards realized that something was wrong. They reached for her, but

the moment their hands touched the glowing edges of her aura, they were

catapulted away as if they’d received an electric shock. One guard even

threw himself onto her body, but before he could lay a finger on her,

Perenelle’s aura caught him and propelled him high into the wall with enough

force to knock the motorcycle helmet off his head. The figure slid down the

wall, arms and legs twisted in awkward positions. When Perenelle looked at

his face, she realized that the creatures were indeed simulacra. This one was

unfinished: his face and head were simply smooth flesh, bald, without eyes,

nose, mouth or ears.

The woman raced down the corridor, only pausing when she came to an

oily-looking puddle on the floor. Crouching over the puddle, she

concentrated hard and touched the murky water with her index and little

fingers. Her white aura sizzled when it touched the liquid, and the water

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