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shape began to form out of the mist cloud—a surprising shape: that of an

elderly man in a security guard’s uniform. The shape hovered, twisting and

curling over the pond. The late-evening sunshine shone through the water

drops, turning each one into a brilliant rainbow of light. “You are a ghost?”

Nicholas asked.

“Yes, sir, I am. Or I was until Mrs. Flamel freed me.”

“Do you know me?” Nicholas Flamel asked. He wondered quickly if

this might be a trick of Dee’s, but then he dismissed the idea: the sorcerer

was powerful, but there was no way he could penetrate Hekate’s defenses.

The mist shifted and thickened. “Yes, sir, I believe I do: you are

Nicholas Flamel, the Alchemyst. Mrs. Flamel asked me to go in search of

you. She suggested that I would find you here, in this particular

Shadowrealm. She overheard Dee mention that you were here.”

“She is unharmed?” Flamel asked eagerly.

“She is. The small man they call John Dee is terrified of her, though the

other woman is not.”

“What woman?”

“A tall woman, wearing a cloak of black feathers.”

“The Morrigan,” Flamel said grimly.

“Aye, and that’s the message…” A fish leapt out of the pond and the

figure dissolved into a thousand water droplets that hung frozen in the air,

each one a tiny portion of a jigsaw that made up the ghost. “Mrs. Flamel says

you have to leave…and leave now. The Crow Goddess is gathering her

forces to invade the Shadowrealm.”

“She’ll not succeed. She is Next Generation; she has not the power.”

The fish leapt again, scattering the water droplets, and the ghost’s voice

drifted and whispered away, dying with each bursting bubble. “Mrs. Flamel

instructed me to tell you that the Crow Goddess intends to awaken Bastet.”

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