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the next wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. Taking Perry’s advice, he had

founded hospitals, established orphanages and funded schools in his native

Paris. Those had been good times…no, more than that—they had been great

times. Life had been so much simpler then. They had not known about the

Elder Race, had not begun to suspect even the tiniest portion of dark

knowledge the Codex contained.

In recent years, Nicholas would sometimes awaken at the quietest hour

of night with a single thought spinning round and round in his head: if he had

known then what he knew now about the Codex, would he have continued his

research into the philosopher’s stone? That path had ultimately brought him

into contact with the Elder Race—notably the Dark Elders—and had brought

Dr. John Dee into his life. It had forced Perry and him to fake their own

deaths and flee Paris and ultimately to spend the next half millennium in

hiding. But the study of the Codex had also made them both immortal. Most

nights he answered yes: even knowing all he knew now, he would still have

continued his studies and become the Alchemyst.

But there were rare occasions, like today, when the answer was no.

Now he stood to lose Perenelle, probably the lives of the innocent twins and

the not-so-innocent Scathach—though she would not be so easy to kill—and

there was also a chance that he had doomed the world.

Nicholas felt himself grow cold at the thought. The Book of Abraham

was full of what he had first assumed to be stories, legends, myths and tales.

Over the centuries, his research had revealed that all the stories were true,

all the tales were based on fact, and what he believed to be legends and

myths were simply reports of real beings and actual events.

The Elder Race existed.

They were creatures that looked human—sometimes—but had the

powers of gods. They had ruled for tens of thousands of years before the

creatures they called the humani—humankind—appeared on the earth. The

first primitive humani worshipped the Elder Race as gods and demons and

over generations had constructed whole mythologies and belief systems

based around an individual or a collection of Elders. The gods and

goddesses of Greece and Egypt, of Sumeria and the Indus Valley, of the

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