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huge. “There are many types of vampires, many clans, just as there are many

Were clans. Some of my race are blood drinkers, it is true.”

“But not you,” Sophie said hastily, before her brother could ask any

further awkward questions.

“No, not my clan. Those of my clan…well, we feed in…other ways,”

Scatty said with a wry smile. “And we rarely need to feed,” she added. She

spun away. “Everything you have been taught, all the myths and legends of

your world, have a kernel of truth in them. You’ve seen wonders today. You

will see more in the days to come.”

“What do you mean, in the days to come?” Josh interrupted, voice rising

in alarm. “We’re going home, aren’t we?” But even as he was asking the

question, he knew the answer.

“Eventually,” the Warrior Maid said, “but not today, and definitely not


Sophie laid her hand on her brother’s arm, silencing the question he was

about to ask. “What were you saying about myths and legends?” she asked.

Somewhere deep in the house a bell chimed, the sound high and pure. It

lingered in the still air.

Scathach ignored it. “I want you to remember that everything you know

—or think you know—about myth and legend is not necessarily false, nor is

it entirely true. At the heart of every legend there is a grain of truth. I suspect

that much of your knowledge comes from movies and TV. Xena and Dracula

have a lot to answer for. All minotaurs are not evil, the Gorgon Medusa did

not turn every man to stone, not all vampires are blood drinkers, the Were

clans are a proud and ancient race.”

Josh attempted a laugh; he was still shaken by the revelation that

Scathach was a vampire. “You’ll be telling us next that ghosts exist.”

Scathach’s expression remained serious. “Josh, you have entered the

Shadowrealm, the world of ghosts. I want you both to trust your instincts

from now on: forget what you know—or think you know—about the creatures

and races you will encounter. Follow your hearts. Trust no one. Except each

other,” she added.

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