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nimbostratus and cumulus. All different, each type with unique

characteristics and qualities. She suddenly understood how to use them, how

to shape and wield and move them.

Images flickered.


She saw a tiny woman under a clear blue sky raise a hand and make a

cloud grow directly overhead. Rain irrigated a parched field.

Flashed again.

A tall bearded man standing on the edge of a huge sea raised his hands

and a howling wind parting the waters.

And flashed again.

A young woman brought a raging storm to a shuddering stop with a

single gesture, freezing it in place, then ran into a flimsy wooden house and

grabbed a child. A heartbeat later and the storm ate the house.

Sophie watched the images and learned from them.

The Witch of Endor touched Sophie’s cheek and the girl opened her

eyes. The whites were dotted with silver sparkles. “There are those who

will tell you that the magic of Fire or Water or even Earth is the most

powerful magic of all. They are wrong. The magic of Air surpasses all

others. Air can extinguish fire. It can churn water to mist and can rip up the

earth. But air can also bring fire to life, it can push a boat across still water,

can shape the land. Air can clean a wound, can pluck a splinter from a

fingertip. Air can kill.”

The last of the white cobwebbed air closed across Sophie’s face,

completely encasing her, wrapping her like a mummy.

“This is a terrifying gift I have given you. Within you now is a lifetime

—a very long lifetime—of experience. I hope some will be of use to you in

the dire days ahead.”

Sophie stood before the Witch of Endor completely encased in the white

bandagelike air. This was not like the Awakening. This was a gentler, subtler

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