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“The Taylor Trail,” Sophie said, “at the Paluxy River in Texas. There

are what look like dinosaur footprints and human prints in the same fossilized

piece of stone. And the stone is dated to one hundred million years old.”

“I have seen them,” Flamel replied, “and others like them all across the

world. I have also examined the shoe print that was found in Antelope

Springs in Utah…in rock about five hundred million years old.”

“My dad says things like that can be easily dismissed as either fakes or

misinterpretation of the facts,” Josh said quickly. He wondered what his

father would say about the things they had seen today.

Flamel shrugged. “Yes, that is true. But what science cannot understand,

it dismisses. Not everything can be so easily brushed aside. Can you dismiss

what you’ve seen and experienced today as some sort of misinterpretation of

the facts?”

Sophie shook her head.

Beside her, Josh shrugged uncomfortably. He didn’t like the direction

this conversation was taking. Dinosaurs and humans living together at the

same time was simply inconceivable. The very idea went against everything

his parents had taught them, everything they believed. But somewhere at the

back of his mind, a small voice kept reminding him that every year

archaeologists—including his parents—kept making extraordinary

discoveries. A couple of years earlier, it was Homo floresiensis, the tiny

people in Indonesia, nicknamed Hobbits; then there was the species of dwarf

dinosaur discovered in Germany, and the hundred-and-sixty-five-millionyear-old

dinosaur tracks found in Wyoming and, only recently, the eight new

prehistoric species discovered in a cave in Israel. But what Flamel was

suggesting was staggering in its implications. “You’re saying that humans and

dinosaurs existed on the earth at the same time,” Josh said, surprised that he

sounded so angry.

“I’m saying that humans have existed on the earth with creatures far

stranger, and much older than the dinosaurs,” Flamel said seriously.

“How do you know?” Sophie demanded. He claimed to have been born

in 1330, he couldn’t have seen dinosaurs…could he?

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