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“There is no electricity in this house, Dr. John Dee. But we have heard

that you are a magician of note. If you wish to create light, then you are

permitted to do so.”

Without a word, Dee stretched out his hand. A blue spark snapped to

life in his palm. It buzzed and hissed, spinning about, then it started to grow,

from the size of a pea to that of a grape. It gave off a cold blue-white light.

Holding his hand out in front of him, Dee started down the stairs.

He began to count the steps as he descended, but quickly gave up,

distracted by the decorations on the walls, the ceiling and even the floor. It

was like stepping into an Egyptian tomb, but, unlike any of the countless

tombs he had seen, where the artwork was faded, chipped and broken and

everything was coated in a fine layer of gritty sand, here the decorations

were pristine, brilliant and complete. The colors, slightly distorted by the

blue light he was carrying, looked as if they had just been laid down, the

pictographs and hieroglyphs were vivid and crisp, the names of gods picked

out in thick gold leaf.

A sudden updraft caused the blue-white ball of light to flicker and dance

in his hand, sending the shadows leaping and darting. Dee’s nostrils flared:

the wind carried the stench of something old…old and long dead.

The stairs ended in a wide, vaulted cellar. Dee felt something crunch

and snap beneath his feet with his first step. He lowered his hand and the

blue-white light shone across the floor…which was covered with countless

tiny white bones, blanketing the ground in an ivory carpet. It took Dee a long

moment before he recognized the bones as those of rats and mice. Some of

them were so old that they crumbled into white powder when he disturbed

them, but others were much newer. Unwilling to ask a question to which he

really did not want an answer, Dee followed his silent guide, bones

crunching and crackling with every step. He lifted his hand high, shedding

light across the chamber. Unlike the stairwell, however, this room was

unadorned, the walls streaked black with moisture, green mold gathering

close to the floor, sprouting fungi dappling the ceiling.

“Looks like you have a problem with damp,” Dee said unnecessarily,

simply to break the growing silence.

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