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Dr. John Dee had lived in Ojai briefly at the turn of the twentieth century

—it was still called the city of Nordhoff then—when he’d been plundering

the surrounding Chumash burial grounds for their precious artifacts. He’d

hated it: Ojai was too small, too insular and, in the summer months, simply

too hot for him. Dee was always happiest in the largest of cities, where it

was easier to be invisible and anonymous.

He’d flown from San Francisco down to Santa Barbara in the company

helicopter, and rented a nondescript-looking Ford at the small airport. Then

he’d driven down from Santa Barbara, arriving in Ojai just as the sun was

setting in a spectacular display, painting the town in long, elegant shadows.

Ojai had changed dramatically in the hundred or so years since he’d last seen

it…but he still didn’t like it.

He turned the car onto Ojai Avenue and slowed. Flamel and the others

were close; he could feel it. But he had to be careful now. If he could sense

them, then they—especially the Alchemyst and Scathach—would be able to

sense him. And he still had no idea what the Witch of Endor was capable of

doing. It was extremely worrying that a very senior Elder had been living in

California and he’d been totally unaware of her presence. He thought he

knew the locations of most of the important Elders and human immortals in

the world. Dee wondered if it was significant that he had not been able to

contact the Morrigan throughout the day. He’d phoned her with persistent

regularity on the drive down, but she wasn’t answering her cell. She was

either on eBay or playing one of the interminable online strategy games she

was addicted to. He didn’t know where Bastet was and didn’t care. She

frightened him, and Dee tended to destroy those people who scared him.

Flamel, Scathach and the twins could be anywhere in the town. But


Dee allowed a little energy to trickle into his aura. He blinked as his

eyes blurred with sudden tears, and blinked again to clear them. Suddenly,

the people in the car next to his, those crossing the road, and the pedestrians

on the sidewalk were outlined in shifting multicolored auras. Some auras

were just wisps of diaphanous tinted smoke, others were dark spots and

sheets of solid muddy colors.

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