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Nicholas bowed again. “I understand that the clans are strong in Europe

—the Torc Madra particularly, and I hear that there are Torc Tiogar in India

again, and two new clans of Torc Leon in Africa. All thanks to you.”

Hekate smiled, her teeth tiny and straight in her mouth. “The clans still

worship me as a goddess. I do what I can for them.” The unseen, unfelt wind

touched her robe, swirling it around her body, so that it ran with green and

gold threads. “But I doubt you have come all this way to talk to me about my


“I have not.” Flamel glanced back at the battered and scarred SUV. Josh

and Sophie were staring intently at him, eyes wide in wonder, while

Scathach’s face was just visible in the backseat. She had her eyes closed and

was pretending to be asleep. Flamel knew the Warrior had no need of sleep.

“I want to thank you for the Ghost Wind you sent us.”

Now it was Hekate’s turn to bow. Her right hand moved and opened,

revealing a tiny cell phone cupped in her palm. “Such useful devices. I can

remember a time when we entrusted our messages to the winds or trained

birds. Seems like only yesterday,” she added. “I am glad the ruse was

successful. Unfortunately, you have probably revealed your ultimate

destination to the Morrigan and Dee. They will know who sent the Ghost

Wind, and I am sure they are aware that I have an enclave here.”

“I know that. And I apologize for drawing them down on you.”

Hekate shrugged, a slight movement of her shoulders that sent a rainbow

of light down her robe. “Dee fears me. He will bluster and posture, threaten

me, possibly even try a few minor spells and incantations, but he will not

move against me. Not alone…not even with the Morrigan’s assistance. He

would need at least two or more of the Dark Elders to stand against me…and

even then he would not be assured of success.”

“But he is arrogant. And now he has the Codex.”

“But not all of it, you said on the phone.”

“No, not all of it.” Nicholas Flamel drew the two pages from under his

T-shirt and went to hand them to Hekate. But the woman abruptly backed

away, throwing up her hand to shield her eyes, a sound like hissing steam

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